Page 12 - DMEA Week 05 2023
P. 12
POLICY enhance the competitive advantage of cities An Omani company and Saudi
and economic zones, and develop institutional International Company for Marine Industries
Oman, Saudi Arabia ink 13 capabilities between the two sides in a way signed an agreement to support the marine
industry in the kingdom, and lastly Omani
that achieves mutual benefit.
MoUs across sectors Company and a Saudi company signed an Golden Integration Solutions Company
Siham Development and Investment
and Saudi Specialised Industrial Services
The Sultanate of Oman and the Kingdom agreement worth RO60mn to establish an Company signed an agreement in the field of
of Saudi Arabia signed 13 agreements entertainment project in Muscat. oil and gas services.
and memorandums of understanding Oman’s Tanfeedh for Global Business MUSCAT DAILY
worth millions of rials for investment in and Saudi Clear Vision signed an agreement
various economic and industrial sectors on for cooperation in the field of research,
Wednesday in Riyadh. development and innovation. REFINING
The agreements include cooperation The agreement aims to develop factories
and investment in the fields of oil and gas, and businesses and support projects based on Oil minister visits Baiji
petrochemicals, renewable energy, green scientific research and innovation for sound
hydrogen, mining, tourism, fish farming, economic returns. refinery
stock exchange, logistics and transportation. Omani United Investment and
The pacts were signed on the sidelines Development Company and Saudi al Rajhi During a visit to the Al-Sumoud refinery
of the Omani-Saudi Investment Forum in Holding Group signed an agreement to in Baiji, Iraq’s Deputy Prime Minister and
Riyadh. establish an investment company engaged in Minister of Oil Hayan Abdul-Ghani praised
“This forum is the embodiment of a the fields of oil and gas, logistics, electronic the national effort to raise the refining
deep relationship between Oman and Saudi payment, furniture and information capacity to 115,000 barrels per day from the
Arabia, coming together under the theme technology between the two countries. Salah Al-Din 1 and 2 units.
of ‘Partnership and Integration’. We have the Voltamp Transformers Oman and He toured the refinery, inspected the
opportunity to create a roadmap that supports Saudi Gulf Laboratory Company signed production units and sections and met
businesses and investments for a prosperous an agreement worth RO5mn in the field of workers.
future,” said Khalid al Falih, Saudi Minister of electrical transformer services. He listened to a briefing by the General
Investment. Delta Green Energy Company and Saudi Manager of the North Refineries Company,
Oman’s Ministry of Finance and the External Consultants Group signed an Qasim Abdul Rahman, on plans to increase
Saudi Fund for Development signed a MoU agreement worth RO4mn to invest in the field refining capacity from the company’s
to finance the construction of an integrated of green hydrogen production. refineries.
economic zone in Dhahirah, at a cost of about The agreement aims to prepare economic, Abdul-Ghani said that the reconstruction,
RO122mn in its first phase. investment and financing studies, and attract rehabilitation and operation of Al-Sumoud
The 388,000sqm project will include investment partnerships between the two refineries in Baiji is a source of pride for all
the construction of infrastructure, countries. Iraqis.
including roads, electrical installations, Visit Oman and Saudi Almosafer Company He added: “The national effort managed
water and sewage network, and industrial signed an agreement worth RO100,000 in the to rebuild Salah Al-Din refineries (1 and 2),
waste treatment, in addition to providing field of travel and tourism. resume production, and increase refining
engineering consultancy services for the Oman Construction and Engineering capacity to (115) thousand barrels per day. We
project (design and supervision). Company and Tharawat al Manajem of Saudi will invite international companies to rebuild
The Public Authority for Special Economic signed an agreement to operate and manage the North Refinery, with a capacity of (150)
Zones and Free Zones (OPAZ) signed a mining sites, while Colossal Engineering thousand barrels per day.”
MoU with the Special Economic Cities and and Construction Company and Saudi Abdul-Ghani noted: “We seek to increase
Zones Authority of Saudi Arabia in the field Desert Technologies signed an agreement to the refining capacity of Al-Sumoud refineries
of economic and investment development to implement solar energy projects in Oman. to (300) thousand barrels per day. We
emphasize support for sincere national
efforts that contribute to speeding up the
implementation of development projects that
support the national economy.”
Representative Bushra Al-Qaisi, a member
of the Energy Committee in the House of
Representatives, praised the efforts of the
ministry in the reconstruction, rehabilitation
and development of the Baiji refinery, and the
great interest of the Deputy Prime Minister
for Energy Affairs and Minister of Oil,
Hayan Abdul-Ghani, in following up on its
development and rehabilitation.
For his part, General Manager of the North
Refineries Company, Abdul Rahman, said:
“The Minister of Oil stressed the need to
expedite the implementation and referral of
P12 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 05 02•Febuary•2023