Page 13 - DMEA Week 05 2023
P. 13

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

                                                                                of its GE90 engines on a Boeing 777-300ER
                                                                                using 100 per cent Sustainable Aviation
                                                                                Fuel (SAF), which is said to reduce carbon
                                                                                emissions over the fuel’s life cycle by up to 80
                                                                                per cent.
                                                                                  The aim of the test was to check the
                                                                                capability of the GE90 engine to run on the
                                                                                specially blended SAF without affecting its
                                                                                performance, requiring no modifications to
                                                                                the aircraft systems, or special maintenance
                                                                                procedures on the Boeing 777-300ER or GE90
                                                                                engine to operate.
       the refinery development projects affiliated   Technip Energies enjoys leadership positions   The ground test results will now pave the
       to the company. The total refining capacity of   in LNG, hydrogen and ethylene, as well as   way for the airline’s first experimental test
       the North Refineries Company amounted to   growing market positions in blue and green   flight using 100 per cent SAF in one engine,
       (215) thousand barrels per day, and it includes   hydrogen, sustainable chemistry and CO2   which is due for take-off this week.
       the energy of (Kirkuk, Qayyarah, Al-Siniyah,   management.                 The testing activities involved running one
       Haditha, Al-Kasik, Salah Al-Din refineries   ZAWYA                       engine on 100 per cent SAF and the other on
       (1 and 2). We have development projects to                               conventional jet fuel to better analyse the fuel
       increase refining capacity in Haditha and                                system’s behaviour and performance under
       Qayyarah refineries.                FUELS                                each fuel type, compare specific outputs of
       MINISTRY OF OIL                                                          each engine and ensure seamless operation of
                                                                                the aircraft’s engine and airframe fuel systems
       Technip Energies wins               ENOC, Tanzania sign MoU to           during the planned test flight.
                                           for fuels storage facility
                                                                                  During the ground testing held at the
       Riyadh refinery contract            ENOC Group and Tanzania’s Ministry of   Emirates Engineering Centre in Dubai, the
                                                                                aircraft first went through its standard pre-
       Technip Energies, a leading engineering and   Energy have signed an MoU to build a   inspection activities. After that, the stationary
       technology company for energy transition,   national import gateway and oil and gas   operating testing began by first running the
       said it has been awarded a major contract by   storage facility in Tanzania to serve the   Honeywell 331-500 auxiliary power unit
       Saudi oil giant Aramco for the upgradation   country and the Eastern and Central Africa   (APU) on 100 per cent SAF.
       of sulphur recovery facilities at its refinery in   region.                The APU was then put under full load
       capital Riyadh.                        The agreement supports the UAE’s 2023   with SAF to start the engines. The left engine
         The scope of work includes        priorities to expand economic partnerships in   was exercised through its full power range,
       implementation of three new tail gas   Africa and its goal of doubling the size of its   utilising the same settings that will be used
       treatment (TGT) units as well as help boost   economy.                   for the experimental flight. This included
       the performance of existing three sulphur   Saif Humaid Al Falasi, Group CEO at   idle, ‘take-off’ and ‘climb settings’ at full flight
       recovery units (SRU) mainly to comply with   ENOC, signed the agreement in the presence   profile durations, running at maximum speed
       more stringent regulations for sulphur dioxide   of January Yusuf Makamba, Energy Minister   and intensity. Engines were then run at ‘cruise’
       emissions, with recovery efficiency at more   of Tanzania. The technical scope of the project   settings for 15 minutes. After the simulation
       than 99.9%, said a statement from Technip   will include the development of a new storage   ended, the engines were cooled down.
       Energies.                           facility and related import infrastructure.   Fuels were isolated in separate fuel tanks
         The project will be executed locally,   The goal is to support Tanzania in meeting   to maintain the segregation of test fuels. Upon
       leveraging Saudi economic resources and   its growing fuel needs and address rising   completion of the ground test, engine data
       infrastructure. The existing sulfur recovery   fuel costs. Al Falasi stated that as a national   was downloaded for review, comparison, and
       units in the Riyadh refinery were designed   company with a global reach, they are   analysis.
       and built by Technip Energies in the early   dedicated to supporting the UAE in enhancing   GULF BUSINESS
       2000s, it added.                    international economic partnerships. The
         This comes as part of the engineering   partnership with the Republic of Tanzania
       group’s long-term agreement with Aramco,   will help meet the growing demand for fuel in   TERMINALS & SHIPPING
       said a top official.                the country and surrounding areas while also
         “We are pleased to be entrusted by Aramco   reducing fuel costs.       Iran investing in crude
       to work on the upgrading programme of their   WAM
       refinery in Riyadh,”  remarked Bhaskar Patel,                            storage capacity
       the Senior Vice President (Sustainable Fuels,   Emirates completes engine
       Chemicals & Circularity) at Technip Energies.                            A meeting was held to introduce
         “By leveraging our long-standing   ground testing with 100%            opportunities for investment in crude oil
       relationship, which has been in place since the                          storage tanks construction and operation,
       mid-1990s, we are committed to make this   SAF                           required by National Iranian Oil Company
       project another success, while utilizing local                           (NIOC), within the framework of public-
       resources and supply chain,”  he added.  Dubai-based Emirates Airline has successfully   private partnership (PPP). This is the first
         A global leader in energy transition,   completed the ground engine testing for one   time the private sector is given the chance

       Week 05   02•Febuary•2023                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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