Page 4 - DMEA Week 27 2021
P. 4

DMEA                                          COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

       Iraq nears award

       for Dhi Qar refinery

       Iraq this week said it would soon sign a contract for the construction of a refinery in the

       southern Dhi Qar Governorate as the downstream continues to get the attention it requires.

        MIDDLE EAST      IRAQ this week said it would soon award a  China Nuclear Engineering & Construction
                         contract to a Chinese-led consortium to build  (CNEC) and an unnamed Emirati company, to
                         a 100,000 barrel per day (bpd) refinery in the  carry out the project.
       WHAT:             south of the country.                  Abdul Jabbar said that the deal would be
       A Chinese-led consortium   The news follows the recent announcement  finalised this month, noting that the refinery
       has been chosen to   of belated progress in the downstream sector,  would play an important role in Baghdad’s sus-
       develop the 100,000 bpd   with Baghdad intent on upgrading existing facil-  tainable development plans while providing job
       facility.         ities and expanding capacity.        opportunities in Dhi Qar.
                           The latest announcement centres on the   This will be the second refinery for which
       WHY:              southern Dhi Qar Governorate, north-west  Norinco and PowerChina have been contracted
       Two of the signatories   of Basra, and marks progress on a preliminary  following the signing of a deal in January 2018
       were involved in a 2018   agreement that was put in place at the start of  for the construction of a 300,000 bpd refinery on
       contract for a 300,000   the year.                     the al-Fao Peninsula to the south-east of Basra,
       bpd facility at Fao which                              with the earlier project having failed to progress.
       is yet to materialise.  Dhi Qar                          Downstream Middle East and Africa (DMEA)
                         Speaking to local media networks, the country’s  understands that that the local Amira Group was
       WHAT NEXT:        Oil Minister Ihsan Abdul Jabbar said: “The refin-  among several companies to have expressed an
       Progress has been made   ery has a production capacity of 100,000 bpd and  interest in working on the Fao facility, but fol-
       on projects elsewhere,   is intended to meet the country’s growing needs  lowing several failed initiatives with small and
       showing that Baghdad is   of refined products.”        relatively unknown players, Baghdad is keen to
       finally making the strides   He added that the unit would include units  attract household names.
       its downstream sector   for hydrogenation, benzene improvement, isom-  Meanwhile, Norinco is the parent of Zhen-
       requires.         erisation, fluid catalytic cracking (FCC), contin-  hua Oil Co. with which Iraq’s state oil marketer
                         uous catalytic reforming (CCR) and an asphalt  SOMO recently cancelled a $4bn prepayment
                         production, as well as an electric power produc-  crude oil term supply contract after oil prices
                         tion unit. It will be configured to produce Euro 5  rebounded, tilting the contract out of Baghdad’s
                         specification fuels.                 favour.
                           The Ministry of Oil (MoO) has chosen   The Chinese firm already has a profit-shar-
                         al-Awsat Energy Co., a consortium consisting  ing deal with SOMO that provides the Iraqi firm
                         of state-owned firms China North Industries  with a cut of earnings from Zhenhua’s onward
                         Group Corporation Ltd (Norinco), Power Con-  sale of its crude, around 18mn barrels per year
                         struction Corporation of China (PowerChina),  of which goes to the Huajin Chemical refinery.

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