Page 5 - DMEA Week 27 2021
P. 5

DMEA                                         COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

                         Baghdad has a similar arrangement in place with  (NRC). Meanwhile, South Refineries Co. (SRC)
                         state firm Sinochem that effectively makes the  is moving forward with engineering, procure-
                         Chinese company a marketing agent for sales to  ment and construction and commissioning
                         Asian refineries.                    (EPCC) of its project to expand refining capa-
                           In April, protesters prevented employees  bilities at Shuaiba under the Basrah Refinery
                         from entering the governorate’s 30,000 bpd  Upgrading Project (BRUP). This will add 70,000
                         Nasiriyah refinery following the approval of  bpd to the current slate of 210,000 bpd.
                         Iraq’s 2021 budget without the cabinet address-  The EPC stage is being carried out by Japan’s
                         ing the lack of available jobs in the country, lead-  JGC, which last year was awarded a $3.75bn
                         ing to fuel shortages in Dhi Qar.    contract to build new refining facilities on land
                                                              adjacent to the existing refinery.
                         Progress elsewhere                     The MoO has previously said that capacity
                         Aside from the Dhi Qar award, Iraq has also  would be expanded to 300,000 bpd. The latest
                         been pushing forward with refining projects at  expansion follows successful completion in
                         Daura near Baghdad, Salah al-Din in the north,  January 2020 of a project to expand the Shuaiba
                         Karbala in the centre of the country and Shuaiba  facility from 140,000 bpd by Czech firm Tech-
                         outside Basra.                       noexport under an EPC contract awarded in
                           Karbala is the only greenfield facility on the  2015, which also covered increasing the output
                         list, with state-owned Midland Refineries Co.  of higher-quality fuels.
                         (MRC) building a 140,000 bpd facility that has   Technoexport completed installation of a
                         reached the construction phase and with Abdul  crude distillation unit at the facility in 2013
                         Jabbar saying in May that the refinery would  and of a catalytic reformer in 2007, and has also
                         come into operation in September 2022. The  worked on several projects at the Daura refinery
                         facility will comprise 35 operational and service  near Baghdad and for NRC – the operator of the
                         units, including four gasoline production units,  beleaguered Baiji refinery.
                         a thermal cracking unit, a poly-naphtha unit to   With Abdul Jabbar recently speaking of
                         produce octane 95 and 90 fuels as well as 44 stor-  intentions to cut the government’s gasoline
                         age tanks.                           import bill by up to 50% by the end of the year as
                           At Daura, a new isomerisation unit, a new  part of a wider plan to end imports of the fuel by
                         hydrogen plant and tanks for storing light deriv-  2023, further announcements should be antici-
                         atives were commissioned last month as part of  pated. However, announcing projects is no guar-
                         a project to expand the refinery’s gasoline pro-  antee of their success and as IOCs queue up to
                         duction capacity by 1mn litres per day. The two  ditch their long-term technical service contracts
                         70,000 bpd refining units at Salah al-Din have  (TSCs) to develop southern oilfields, the MoO
                         also been rehabilitated by North Refineries Co.  is facing sizeable challenges on several fronts.™

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