Page 9 - DMEA Week 27 2021
P. 9

DMEA                                             POLICY                                               DMEA

       Industry strikes the

       pressing issue facing Raisi

        MIDDLE EAST      THE most pressing predicament facing the next  large enough to alarm the regime in Tehran”.
                         president of the Islamic Republic, President-elect   Added Ghosh: “Its [the regime’s] usual
                         Ebrahim Raisi is receiving little attention outside  response is to blame unspecified ‘enemies’ and
                         the country – the strikes and protests that have  crack down hard on protesters. But dissatisfied
                         broken out in Iran’s critical petroleum industry,  workers in the energy sector represent a threat
                         where workers are fed up with low wages and  of a much higher order. The regime has long
                         poor working conditions.             extolled this labour cohort above all others as
                           This is the opinion of Bloomberg columnist  working-class heroes. This reflects not only
                         Bobby Ghosh, who in a July 1 piece for the news  the importance of hydrocarbons to the Iranian
                         service also wrote that “The unrest underscores  economy but the vital role petroleum workers
                         the gravity of the economic crisis confront-  have played in the country’s politics.”
                         ing Raisi,” adding that “It could also precipi-  Widespread oil strikes in the late 1970s par-
                         tate a serious political crisis at the start of his  alysed the Iranian economy. At the end of 1978,
                         presidency.”                         Shah Reza Pahlavi tried to end the strikes by
                           The protests, dubbed “Campaign 1400”  force.
                         with reference to the Persian calendar year that   After his troops opened fire on demonstra-
                         started in March, involve thousands of workers  tors in the oil-producing regions of the south,
                         that have mounted protests across Iran’s oil, gas  the protests spread to other sectors and turned
                         and petrochemicals industry.         distinctly political. That, as Ghosh observed, set
                           Raisi, a religious hardliner who will be sworn  the stage for the toppling of the Shah in the 1979
                         in to succeed pragmatic moderate President  revolution.
                         Hassan Rouhani in August, will be monitoring a   “You can see why any president, even one
                         situation that, as Ghosh described, for the most  with Raisi’s hard-line credentials, would be
                         part involves small and local strikes, which have  reluctant to deploy security forces against today’s
                         “occasionally flared into street demonstrations  strikers,” noted Ghosh.™

       Week 27   08•July•2021                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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