Page 13 - LatAmOil Week 24
P. 13

LatAmOil                                       COLOMBIA                                            LatAmOil

       Sabotage takes 31 wells

       off line at Colombian oilfield

                         COLOMBIA’S national oil company (NOC)   Hector Manosalva Rojas, the CEO of Cenit,
                         Ecopetrol has suspended operations at more   spoke out strongly against these incidents,
                         than 30 wells at the La Cira-Infantas oilfield,   saying: “We emphatically reject these attacks
                         following a series of attacks by protesters over   against the country’s pipelines, which are creat-
                         the weekend.                         ing negative social, economic and environmen-
                           On June 14, Ecopetrol said in a statement   tal impacts, even more so during the crisis the
                         that demonstrators had sabotaged 31 wells at La   country is facing due to [coronavirus] COVID-
                         Cira-Infantas, which usually produces around   19, which makes it more difficult to perform
                         35,000 barrels per day (bpd) of oil. These attacks   repairs with our technical personnel on site.”
                         led to spills and halted development operations   Cenit also issued a statement condemning
                         at the affected wells, it reported.  the sabotage as “illegal actions that jeopardise
                           Ecopetrol noted in its statement that demon-  the integrity of the population, cause serious
                         strators had begun sabotaging the wells several   consequences [for] the environment and affect
                         days after they mounted a blockade of the field.   the activities of the community and the oil
                         It did not offer any insight as to why the protest   industry.” ™
                         had broken out, but it did say that it was open
                         to discussing the blockade leaders’ requests in
                         co-operation with the attorney general’s office
                         and the municipal administration.
                           According to Reuters, Ecopetrol and other
                         producers working in Colombia frequently
                         draw criticism from residents of communities
                         near the oilfields. Members of those communi-
                         ties often demand that operators hire more local
                         workers or invest in local infrastructure such as
                         roads and schools, and some of them engage
                         in sabotage if their conditions are not met, the
                         news agency said.
                           This sabotage does not just affect upstream
                         production sites. Ecopetrol’s subsidiary Cenit
                         said recently that there had been at least
                         10 attacks on two of its oil pipelines, Caño
                         Limón-Coveñas and Bicentenario, since the
                         beginning of May.                    La Cira-Infantas oilfield (Image: Occidental Petroleum)

       Guyana receives $35mn for second cargo

                         GUYANA has received $35mn for its second   The second cargo fetched less money because
                         oil lifting of the year, which consisted of 1mn   oil is trading at a much lower level than it did in
                         barrels of crude. This sum was significantly less   February. Brent crude futures closed at $39.72
                         than the $55mn the country received for its first   per barrel on June 15, down from about $57 per
                         export cargo, which went to market in February.  barrel as of mid-February.
                           “The Natural Resource Fund was yesterday   Guyana started to sell its share of crude from
                         credited with $35,063,582.06. This represents   the Liza offshore oilfield last year via open-mar-
                         payment by Shell Western Supply and Trading   ket tenders. It pre-sold its first three cargoes to a
                         Limited for Guyana’s second [lifting],” the Min-  subsidiary of Royal Dutch Shell, and the first of
                         istry of Finance said in a statement posted on   those went to market in February.
                         its website. The total holdings of the country’s   Liza is Guyana’s first producing field. It is part
                         Natural Resources Fund as of June 11, 2020 were   of the Stabroek block, which is operated by Exx-
                         $94,921,803.00, the ministry added.  onMobil (US).

       Week 24   18•June•2020                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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