Page 17 - LatAmOil Week 24
P. 17

LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil


       Trinidad: Touchstone

       announces Cascadura-1ST
       pressure analysis and

       verification of test results

       Touchstone Exploration has announced final
       production test results from the Cascadura-1ST1
       well on the Ortoire exploration block. The final
       test results for both the lower test (6,056-6,218
       feet, or 1,846-1,895 metres) and the upper test
       (5,570-5,915 feet or 1,698-1,803 metres) have  commented: “We are extremely pleased with the  announcement dated June 3, 2020.
       been reviewed by the Company’s independ-  final testing data and GLJ’s independent analy-  Locations have been identified for two new
       ent reserves evaluator, GLJ, and the following  sis of the stage one and stage two information,  wells which President is planning to start drill-
       information is intended to complement initial  as both confirm the tremendous potential of  ing within the next four months. Preliminary
       production test results previously released by on  the Cascadura-1ST1 discovery. The low sand-  discussions are taking place with service pro-
       February 6, 2020 and March 11, 2020.  face drawdown, high reservoir pressure and  viders to capitalise on current pricing in view
         Flow and buildup test results suggest an  rapid recovery suggest a sizeable reservoir with  of the fact that many have significant capacity,
       Absolute Open Flow (AOF) natural gas rate of  excellent production potential. With minimal  and there is currently virtually no new drilling
       390mn cubic feet (11.04mn cubic metres) per  drawdown observed while flowing and with  of conventional wells taking place in the whole
       day at the sandface.                no boundaries seen in the analysis, the pressure  of Argentina.
         Final 24-hour extended flow test rate, limited  data confirms that the Cascadura pool is larger   The first well will be the Las Bases 1001
       by capacity of surface test equipment, averaged  than the area of investigation observed during  development well targeting proven un-pro-
       5,472 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd),  the tests.             duced attic gas in the Las Bases structure with 6
       86% natural gas, at a final sandface drawdown   “On this basis, we will likely require addi-  bcf (169.9mn cubic metres) of total recoverable
       of 4%. Pressure data suggests that the well was  tional drilling and production at Cascadura to  reserves; target depth is 1,700 metres and P50
       still cleaning up at the end of the extended test  fully understand and optimise production from  well rate is 100,000 cubic metres per day (605
       period.                             the structure. We are now working with GLJ to  boepd), with a high chance of success and esti-
         Condensate Gas Ratio (CGR) was 28 bar-  complete an independent reserves evaluation for  mated costs of $1.9mn completed.
       rels of 55° API condensate per 1mn cubic feet  the Cascadura feature, which we expect in July.   The second well will be the Estancia Vieja
       (28,320 cubic metres) of natural gas produced  The evaluation will use the test data along with  EVN-x1 exploration well. This will target a new
       during the extended flow test.      wireline logs, analogous pool data, offset pro-  and so far undrilled independent structure for
         Flow and buildup test results suggest an AOF  duction and seismic to properly assign reserves  both gas and oil to the north of the producing
       natural gas rate of 92 mcf (2.605 mcm) per day  to the pool.             Estancia Vieja field. In the event of success, the
       at the sandface.                       “The team remains on course to begin drill-  whole of the Estancia Vieja north structure will
         Final 24-hour extended flow test rate, lim-  ing at our next prospect, Chinook, in July, where  be opened up with an estimated 14mn barrels
       ited by the capacity of surface test equipment,  we are keen to explore a separate structure along  of Oil in Place and 26 bcf (736.3 mcm) of Gas in
       averaged 5,157 boepd, 87% natural gas, at a final  the same geological trend. With several near-  Place which will require up to a further six wells.
       sandface drawdown of 12%. Pressure data sug-  term catalysts for the Company, now is an excit-  Once completed, the wells can be placed on
       gests that the well was still cleaning up at the end  ing time for Touchstone, and we look forward  stream without delay.
       of the extended test period.        to updating all our stakeholders in due course.”  There are no 2P reserves booked for the
         CGR was 26 bbls/MMcf of 55° API conden-  Touchstone Exploration, June 15 2020  Estancia North structure in the current inde-
       sate during the extended flow test.                                      pendent audited 2P Group reserves of 26.4mn
         Gas analysis indicated sweet, liquids rich   President Energy unveils   boe calculated as at December 31, 2019.
       natural gas with no hydrogen sulfide and no                                In addition to the above there will be follow
       entrained water.                    drilling and workover                up infill drilling and workovers in Puesto Flores,
         Based on the data obtained during both tests,                          but for the current year the above two wells are
       the Cascadura-1ST1 reservoir appears to be   plans for Rio Negro         the priority and consequently the permitting and
       unbounded within the area of investigation, con-                         procurement processes have commenced with
       firming a larger pool than originally anticipated.  in Argentina         permits expected within the next two months.
         Absolute Open Flow Potential (AOFP) mod-                                 A further announcement will be made once
       elling indicates that it is reasonable to design for  AIM-listed President Energy, the energy com-  more definitive information regarding the wells
       an initial gross production rate of 7,750-9,700  pany with a diverse portfolio of production and  is available.
       boepd (6,200-7,760 boepd net) based on esti-  exploration assets focused primarily in Argen-  Peter Levine, Chairman, commented: “We
       mated gross rates of 40 50 mcf (1.13-1.42 mcm)  tina, has announced an update on its Paraguay  believe now is the time to plan and invest for
       per day of natural gas and 1,100-1,400 boepd of  asset and its drilling plans for Rio Negro in  the future, particularly as we will have negligible
       condensate.                         Argentina in the second half of the year.  third-party debt at the half year end and are in a
         James Shipka, Chief Operating Officer,   These were briefly referred to in the Company  solid position.

       Week 24   18•June•2020                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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