Page 18 - LatAmOil Week 24
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grateful to her crew for completing the first phase
of this program without a crew change during
the COVID-19 pandemic. We are looking for-
ward to completing the remaining phase of this
program in 2021, when offshore logistics can be
PGS, June 17 2020
BW Offshore: Contract
extension for FPSO Polvo
BW Offshore has signed an agreement with Pet-
roRio for a one-year extension for the lease and
“The fact that we will be able to bring successful Round, and open acreage offered in the 17th operation of the FPSO Polvo. The firm period
wells into production in Rio Negro without any Bidding Round. has been extended to Q3-2021 (from Q3-2020),
delay or excessive costs demonstrates the value The survey will cover an area of approxi- with options until Q3-2022.
of our conventional onshore wells in central mately 14,500 square km and overshoot PGS’ The contract has been extended multiple
locations with the benefit of owning and oper- existing orthogonal MC3D currently being times since the original firm contract ended in
ating the regional pipelines and infrastructure. reprocessed in parallel. 2014, and this extension represents the seventh
This enables us to transport produced oil and This new GeoStreamer X project will provide extension with the FPSO operating on the Polvo
gas from the fields to the main national pipelines 10-km offsets to improve depth velocity mod- field in the Campos basin in Brazil during the
and on to our offtaker Trafigura, a strategically eling accuracy of the post-salt, salt and pre-salt whole period.
important major shareholder in President.” sections, facilitated by the use of PGS’ Full Wave- BW Offshore, June 11 2020
President Energy, June 15 2020 form Inversion (FWI) technologies.
These additional offset data also promise
added angle-range for pre-salt seismic ampli- INVESTMENT
SERVICES tude analysis and reservoir characterisation.
Incorporating the newly reprocessed orthogo- Petrobras releases E&P
PGS completes acquisition nal MC3D datasets (8-km offsets) will provide teaser of assets in the
a multi-azimuth solution, enabling improved
of Campos Deepwater illumination of the subsurface structures found state of Alagoas
within the pre-salt plays in this portion of the
GeoStreamer X MC3D Campos Basin.
The western part of 2020 acquisition on the Petrobras has started the opportunity disclosure
PGS vessel Ramform Titan has completed acqui- Campos Deepwater GeoStreamer X survey tar- stage (teaser), referring to the sale of its entire
sition on the first two parts of a new long-offset gets pre-salt open acreage. The multi-azimuth stake in a set of seven onshore and shallow water
GeoStreamer-X seismic survey in the Campos products will include about 3 000 sq. km of TTI concessions located in the state of Alagoas.
Basin. The majority of the coverage so far targets Kirchhoff and both single and multi-azimuth The teaser, which includes key information
areas for the Brazil 17th Bidding Round, sched- RTM (45Hz) PSDM products, which will bene- about the opportunity, as well as the eligibility
uled for early 2021. Fast track PSDM products fit from both the fidelity of the new GeoStreamer criteria for selection of potential participants,
will be available through Q3-2020 and Q4-2020. acquisition, and the broadband reprocessing of is available on the Petrobras website. The main
The Ramform Titan seismic survey vessel the underlying orthogonal datasets. Full Integ- subsequent stages of the project will be reported
set a new record, towing the largest acquisi- rity PSDM products will be available in Q2-2021. to the market in due course.
tion spread ever deployed in Brazil with a 14 x The eastern portion now completed on this The Alagoas Cluster comprises seven pro-
100 x 100, 50 metre, dual-sensor, dual-source project targets the Deepwater Open Acreage to duction concessions (Anambé, Arapaçu, Cidade
configuration. be offered in the upcoming 17th Bidding Round. de São Miguel dos Campos, Furado, Paru, Pilar
Ramform Titan completed acquisition of the Fast-track PSDM products will be available and São Miguel dos Campos), all located in the
6,500 square km area ahead of schedule, with through Q3-2020 and Q4-2020, prior to the 17th state of Alagoas. The Paru field is located in shal-
an average production of 80 square km per day. Bidding Round. Full-integrity PSDM products low waters, with a water depth of 24 metres. The
This was achieved by overcoming the known will be available in 2021, including KPSDM and other fields are onshore. In 2019, the cluster’s
demands of the Campos Basin and managing 45 Hz RTM. average production was 2,348 bpd of oil and con-
the additional challenges of offshore logistics In addition, PGS will be offering, gravity and densate and 856,000 cubic metres per day of gas,
during the COVID-19 pandemic. PGS was able magnetic data for regional basin analysis, as well generating a total of 1,010 bpd of NGL.
to deliver safe and reliable operations, recording as standard GeoStreamer field deliverables. In addition to the concessions and their
high-quality data every day since late February John Cramer, New Ventures Manager for production facilities, the Natural Gas Process-
with a single crew, thanks to the advanced design Brazil, commented: “The Ramform Titan’s exe- ing Unit (NGPU) of Alagoas, responsible for
specifications of the vessel and dedication of the cution of the first phases of the GeoStreamer X processing 100% of the cluster’s gas and for
crewmembers. project in Brazil proved again the efficient and generating NGL, whose processing capacity
PGS’ Campos Deepwater GeoStreamer X safe operations afforded by our Ramform Titan- is 2mn cubic metres per day, is included in the
program targets Campos Basin pre-salt open Class vessels towing large spreads in the chal- transaction.
acreage, areas acquired in the 14th Bidding lenging Brazil environment. We are more than Petrobras, June 17 2020
P18 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 24 18•June•2020