Page 19 - LatAmOil Week 24
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LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       Petrobras extends                   $20mn, seven-year term loan agreement with  Manager of Petroperu, commented:”Petroperu
                                           Republic Bank. Touchstone withdrew $15mn  appreciates the dedication and investment that
       deadline for Espirito Santo         to satisfy obligations relating to prepaying the  PetroTal has made in the development of the
                                           Company’s former CAD20mn credit facility.  Bretana oil field. Petroperu expects to complete
       basin opportunity                   Pursuant to the Term Loan, Touchstone has the  the significant upgrade of the Talara refinery in
                                           option to withdraw the remaining $5mn availa-
                                                                                mid-2021 and the ability to utilise domestic oil
       Petrobras, in reference to the press release on  ble balance prior to June 15, 2021.  production will be an important element. Petro-
       June 1, 2020, regarding the sale of a part of its   Touchstone Exploration, June 16 2020  Tal is an important player in Peru’s oil industry
       interest in the exploratory blocks belonging to                          and is now an important oil producer in the
       the ES-M-596-R11, ES-M-598-R11, ES-M-                                    Country.
       671-R11, ES-M-673-R11 and ES-M-743-R11  COMPANIES                          “The Oil Sales Contract between Petrop-
       concessions, located in the Espírito Santo Basin,                        eru and PetroTal is an important link between
       has disclosed that the deadline for companies to   PetroTal signs enhanced   our two companies, and I’m pleased that we’ve
       express their interest in the opportunity is being                       reached agreement to extend it to three years
       extended to 06/18/2020, the other provisions of   oil sales contract with   along with the additional contract enhance-
       the document remaining unchanged.                                        ments. In recognition of the significant invest-
         Due to the change described above, the teaser   Petroperu              ment PetroTal has made in the Bretana oil field
       available on the Petrobras website was changed                           and production facilities, Petroperu is very com-
       to consider the new deadline.       PetroTal has entered into an arrangement with  fortable with allowing the contingent liability to
         There is no need to send a new expression of  Petroperu which will result in the Company’s  be settled over the next three years.
       interest if the participating company has already  liability to Petroperu in relation to the recent oil   “The Bretana oil production coming through
       submitted its expression. The main subsequent  price movements being payable over a three-year  the Northern Pipeline also represents an impor-
       stages of the project will be reported to the mar-  period, rather than at the point of sale of the oil.  tant benefit for the Loreto Region and for the
       ket in due course.                  The arrangement has been structured to mini-  Country.”
       Petrobras, June 12 2020             mise the impact of the recent oil price decline   Manolo Zuniga, President and Chief Execu-
                                           on the Company’s cash flows and forward plans,  tive Officer, commented: “PetroTal is pleased to
       Petrobras reports on                whilst allowing the Company to benefit from  embrace the strong working relationship it has
                                           any future increase in oil prices when physical  with Petroperu. Oil production from the Bretana
       binding phase of asset              oil sales occur. As announced on May 7, 2020,  oil field is an important component of Petrop-
                                           the liability relates to the oil price differential  eru’s pipeline and refinery network. Solidifying
       sale in Colombia                    between the date that oil enters the Northern Oil  a three-year arrangement for both settlement of
                                           Pipeline (ONP) and the current oil price (and,  the contingent liability and ensuring future oil
       Petrobras, following up on the press release dis-  ultimately, the physical oil sales price).  sales, significantly enhances PetroTal’s opera-
       closed on May 21, 2020, announces the begin-  Additionally, PetroTal announces an exten-  tions. It also sets the stage for PetroTal to con-
       ning of the binding phase related to the sale of  sion of the oil sales contract with Petroperu  tinue the development of the Bretana oil field, as
       100% of the shares held by Petrobras Inter-  dated December 23, 2019, from one year to three  and when oil prices recover.
       national Braspetro B.V. (PIB BV) and other  years on enhanced terms. All monetary amounts   “Our focus on balance sheet strength and
       Petrobras subsidiaries, in Petrobras Colombia  in this release are in United States dollars.  enhancing liquidity will ensure PetroTal has the
       Combustibles (PECOCO).                 The contingent liability announced on May 7,  financial strength for working capital manage-
         Qualified parties for this phase will receive a  2020 has been structured into a three-year pay-  ment and the ongoing development of Bretana.
       process letter with detailed instructions on the  ment arrangement with Petroperu at an interest  PetroTal appreciates the support of its suppliers
       divestment process, including guidelines for due  rate of 6.5% ;the contingent liability at the end of  and the continued dedication of our employees
       diligence and submission of binding proposals.  May is estimated to be approximately $43mn; the  and contractors. Together, PetroTal will emerge
         In Colombia, Petrobras operates, through  Arrangement allows PetroTal to settle the obli-  from the pandemic stronger, in order to rebuild
       PECOCO, in the gasoline, diesel, and lubricant  gations to Petroperu now while still allowing the  value for shareholders.’
       distribution and trading market, through a net-  Company to benefit from higher oil prices fore-  Eight Capital acted as strategic advisor to
       work of 124 service stations and seven storage  casted by the Brent forward strip pricing curve  PetroTal on the Arrangement with Petroperu.
       units, one of which is in Puente Aranda.  when the physical oil sales occur; PetroTal and   PetroTal, June 12 2020
       Petrobras, June 12 2020             Petroperu have agreed to extend the one-year
                                           Oil Sales Contract to three years upon expiry of
                                           the current term on December 23, 2020;
       FINANCE                                The Parties will establish a framework to
                                           ensure that future oil sales under the Oil Sales
       Touchstone announces                Contract have adequate hedge protection to
                                           avoid future downside losses;
       closing of Trinidad-based           ments to the Oil Sales Contract for lower pipe-
                                              The Parties have agreed to further amend-
       $20mn term loan                     line tariffs and fees during the period of low oil
                                           prices; and,
         Touchstone Exploration has announced that on   PetroTal is coordinating with Petroperu to
       June 15, 2020, the conditions precedent were  reopen the Bretana oil field in early July.
       satisfied in respect of its previously announced   Carlos Barrientos Gonzales, the General

       Week 24   18•June•2020                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P19
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