Page 4 - NorthAmOil Week 16 2021
P. 4

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Eastern Canadian crude

       heads for US West Coast

       An unusual shift in demand patterns has led to two shipments

       of Eastern Canadian oil to the US West Coast

        NORTH AMERICA    THE staggered global demand recovery from   In the past, oil exports from the Newfound-
                         the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is lead-  land and Labrador to the US have tended to go
       WHAT:             ing to some unusual routes being taken by car-  to the East Coast and Gulf Coast.
       Two cargoes of oil from   goes of crude from Eastern Canada.  The cargoes are reported to be around
       Newfoundland and    Last week, Bloomberg reported that a sec-  600,000 barrels each, and thus represent com-
       Labrador are due to   ond tanker was about to be loaded with crude  paratively modest amounts of oil. However,
       arrive on the US West   in Newfoundland and Labrador before setting  these are higher volumes than Newfoundland
       Coast in May.     sail for the US West Coast. The news service  and Labrador typically exports. According to
                         cited its own data on shipping fixtures, saying  the Canada Energy Regulator (CER), in 2019,
       WHY:              the BP-booked Aquasurazo was set to be loaded  Newfoundland and Labrador exported 153,445
       Consumption patterns   over the weekend of April 17-18 and was des-  barrels per day to the US and 83,940 bpd to
       have temporarily shifted   tined for the Cherry Point refinery in Washing-  other international locations.
       because of the pace of   ton State.                     The unusual voyages the two tankers are
       COVID-19 recovery.  The long, costly trip was anticipated to  undertaking illustrate the disruption to regu-
                         include transit through the Panama Canal and  lar consumption patterns, caused by the une-
       WHAT NEXT:        indeed, vessel-tracking data showed this week  ven pandemic recovery process. Various levels
       The longer-term outlook   that the tanker was located in the Caribbean Sea,  of ongoing lockdowns in Europe – as well as
       for Eastern Canada’s   having departed Newfoundland and Labrador  domestically in Canada itself – mean that
       oil industry is highly   on April 21.                  demand there remains muted. Meanwhile, a fast
       uncertain.          This comes after another tanker, chartered  roll-out of vaccines for coronavirus (COVID-
                         by Chevron, departed Newfoundland and Lab-  19) in the US is helping boost consumption
                         rador earlier in April, destined for California.  there as various states then ease pandemic-re-
                         Both tankers are due to arrive at their destina-  lated restrictions.
                         tions in May.                         Indeed, California – the most populous state

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 16   22•April•2021
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