Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 16 2021
P. 9

NorthAmOil                                       POLICY                                          NorthAmOil

       Canada, US raise emissions

       reduction goals for 2030

        NORTH AMERICA    CANADA and the US have both set new, more  Environment and Climate Change Canada. But
                         aggressive targets for reducing their greenhouse  Trudeau said all countries must rise to the chal-
                         gas (GHG) emissions. At a virtual climate sum-  lenge presented by the climate crisis.
                         mit held by US President Joe Biden this week,   “Only bold climate policies lead to bold
                         Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said  results,” he said. “We will continually strengthen
                         that his country would seek to reduce its emis-  our plan and take even more action.”
                         sions by 40-45% compared with 2005 levels by   The government has yet to unveil details of
       US President Joe Biden   2030.                         how its new target will be achieved.
       and Canadian Prime   Canada had previously been targeting a cut   Also at the climate summit, Biden announced
       Minister Justin Trudeau  of 30% by 2030 compared with 2005 levels. This  his own new emissions reduction target for the
                         translated into lowering GHG emissions from  US. The ambitious goal involves slashing the
                         732 megatonnes to 513 megatonnes. However,  country’s GHG emissions by 50-52% by 2030
                         Trudeau said at the summit that Canada was  compared with 2005 levels.
                         now “on track to blow past our old target”. The   The commitment represents a more than
                         new commitment translates into the country  doubling of the US’ prior target under the 2015
                         bringing its emissions down to at least 439 meg-  Paris climate agreement, when former US Pres-
                         atonnes by 2030.                     ident Barack Obama pledged to cut emissions
                           Trudeau conceded, however, that meeting  26-28% below 2005 levels by 2025. The US is
                         this target would be challenging for Canada as a  currently not even halfway to meeting that goal,
                         major energy producer. Indeed, the country has  with former President Donald Trump – Obama’s
                         consistently failed to meet previous targets for  successor – having taken the country out of the
                         cutting its emissions and they even rose slightly  Paris agreement, only for the US to be subse-
                         in 2019, according to a recent report from  quently returned to it by Biden this year.™

                                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES

       BP aims to eliminate onshore

       US flaring by 2025

                         BP has unveiled a new target to phase out rou-  flaring forms part of a broader emissions-reduc-
                         tine flaring of associated natural gas across its  tion push by BP. The super-major has embraced
                         onshore US operations – primarily in the prolific  the energy transition as a major component of
                         Permian Basin – by 2025.             its long-term strategy and is pursuing net-zero
                           According to the Wall Street Journal, BP is  greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050. It
                         planning to spend around $1.3bn on building  intends to continue producing oil and gas, but
                         pipelines and other infrastructure to collect and  has said it will only focus on more profitable and
                         capture its associated Permian gas volumes.  “responsibly produced” volumes in the future.
                           The super-major bolstered its US onshore   In the April 18 announcement, BP touted
                         operations with the acquisition of assets in Texas  its new Grand Slam facility near Orla, Texas,
                         and Louisiana – across the Permian, Eagle Ford  as marking a “significant step” in its efforts to
                         and Haynesville regions – from BHP in 2018. The  reduce emissions and enhance production while
                         $10.5bn deal increased the proven crude reserves  improving reliability of its Permian assets. Grand
                         held by BP’s onshore US unit, BPX Energy, tenfold.  Slam is an electrified central oil, gas and water
                           Since that acquisition closed, BP has been  handling facility that reduces operational emis-
                         working to reduce flaring at the assets, especially  sions, in part by replacing gas-driven equipment,
                         in the Permian, where drilling for oil typically  compressors and generators, according to the
                         yields large volumes of associated gas. The com-  announcement. The facility is highly automated.
                         pany said in an April 18 announcement that its   Grand Slam is the largest infrastructure pro-
                         Permian flaring rates had declined from around  ject to date for BP’s US onshore business, the
                         16% in the fourth quarter of 2019 to less than 2%  company said. It anticipates that over 75% of its
                         currently – with the figure continuing to drop.  Permian operated wells will be electrified by the
                           The latest target for eliminating routine  end of 2021, and over 95% by 2023.™

       Week 16   22•April•2021                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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