Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 16 2021
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NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       UPSTREAM                            on the acquisition of revenue producing   of these deals when they become available.”
                                           mineral and royalty interests in the prolific   Mr. Cox added: “We have great confidence in
       SandRidge Energy                    Permian Basin of Texas, held by a private   these assets, as well as the Permian Basin and
                                           seller for a purchase price of $430,000 in
                                                                                we look forward to jointly benefiting as they
       announces acquisition of            cash. The interest acquired by Verde currently   continue to operate and develop the resource.
                                           produces approximately $7,000 per month
                                                                                Ovintiv is an excellent operator and we love
       overriding royalty interests        in revenue and Verde is entitled to the cash   that this is one of their core areas. We have
                                                                                high hopes for this property and its future.”
                                           flow from production attributable to the
       SandRidge Energy today announced the   acquisition beginning on or after April 1,   VERDE BIO HOLDINGS, April 21, 2021
       acquisition of all the overriding royalty   2021.
       interest assets of SandRidge Mississippian   As mentioned in our previous press
       Trust I. The gross purchase price is $4.85mn   releases, the company continues to build a   MIDSTREAM
       (net $3.55mn, given the company’s 26.9%   diversified, revenue producing portfolio of
       ownership of the trust). At the current strip   high-quality assets. Today’s announcement   Magellan Midstream
       and based on historical production trends, the   brings the total number of acquisitions to
       Company believes the Acquisition represents   thirteen for Verde to date. Current expected   announces sale of partial
       an attractive price-to-value, approximating   combined revenue from the acquisitions is
       PDP PV-55 and a 2-year cash-on-cash   approximately $51,000 per month or more   interest in Pasadena marine
       payback.                            than $610,000 on an annualised basis once the
         Carl Giesler, president and CEO   company is in pay status on all properties.  terminal joint venture
       commented, “Buying in the ORRIs from SDT   The interest being acquired covers
       will add to our PDP reserves and improve   approximately 45 royalty acres and   Magellan Midstream Partners announced
       our netbacks and cash flow in wells that   approximately 1,920 total gross acres in   today the sale of nearly half of its membership
       we already operate for the most part. This   Howard County, Texas and is operated by   interest in its Pasadena marine terminal
       Acquisition is a good example of the relatively   E&P leader, Ovintiv, formerly known as   joint venture, MVP Terminalling, LLC, to an
       low-capital, high-return, quick-payback,   Encana. Ovintiv has a large position in the   undisclosed financial buyer for $270mn. The
       ‘small-ball’ investments that the Board   Permian, specifically in the prolific, oil-rich   sale closed on April 19. Magellan now owns
       and management are making to increase   Midland Basin in Texas where their primary   approximately 25% of MVP Terminalling and
       shareholder value realisation from its asset   focus is on the development of the Spraberry   remains the operator of the facility.
       base.”                              and Wolfcamp formations. Currently, there   MVP Terminalling owns a refined
       SANDRIDGE ENERGY, April 22, 2021    are six wells producing in the acreage being   petroleum products marine storage terminal
                                           acquired with an excellent outlook for more   along the Houston Ship Channel in Pasadena,
       Verde Bio Holdings                  wells on the acreage given Ovintiv’s capex   Texas. The terminal currently includes over
                                           plans with operating three drilling rigs and
                                                                                fivemn barrels of storage, two ship docks and
       announces acquisition of            two completion crews currently in the area.   truck loading facilities, with space to nearly
                                                                                double its current capacity.
                                             Scott Cox, CEO of Verde, said: “We are
       Permian Basin mineral and           excited about the interests being acquired   such as those owned by our Pasadena marine
                                                                                  “Important energy infrastructure assets –
                                           through this acquisition. Deals like this in
       royalty interest                    the Permian are rare and this is a great oil   terminal joint venture – are critical to both
                                                                                the U.S. and global economy and continue
                                           producing addition to our portfolio and we
       Verde Bio Holdings, a growing oil and gas   are proud to have built a Company which is   to be highly valued,” said Michael Mears,
       company, today announced that it has closed   creative and flexible enough to take advantage   chief executive officer. “As Magellan has
                                                                                demonstrated in the past, we regularly review
                                                                                both potential investments and our own
                                                                                asset portfolio for opportunities to unlock
                                                                                incremental value for our investors. With this
                                                                                transaction, we are optimising our portfolio
                                                                                while retaining a meaningful position in a
                                                                                strategic and state-of-the-art new facility that
                                                                                is well-positioned to continue to meet the
                                                                                growing demand for refined products export
                                                                                  Magellan intends to use the proceeds
                                                                                from this transaction consistent with its
                                                                                stated capital allocation priorities, including
                                                                                potential unit repurchases.
                                                                                  As previously announced, the partnership
                                                                                plans to announce its financial results for first
                                                                                quarter 2021 and provide an operational and
                                                                                financial update on Thursday, April 29.
                                                                                MAGELLAN MIDSTREAM PARTNERS, April 22,

       Week 16   22•April•2021                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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