Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 16 2021
P. 10

NorthAmOil                               ENERGY TRANSITION                                        NorthAmOil

       NextDecade advances clean LNG plans

        TEXAS            IT has been another busy week for US-based  independent third-party measurement and cer-
                         LNG developer NextDecade, which is trying to  tification of the greenhouse gas (GHG) intensity
                         position its proposed Rio Grande liquefaction  of the LNG to be sold from Rio Grande.
                         project at Texas’ Port of Brownsville as one of   Project Canary specialises in continuous
                         the most environmentally friendly facilities of  emissions monitoring and related technologies
                         its kind. The company announced two sepa-  to assess environmental performance across the
                         rate partnerships in recent days that are geared  energy value chain. Under its partnership with
                         towards bolstering Rio Grande LNG’s green  NextDecade – the first in the global LNG indus-
                         credentials.                         try – Project Canary will deploy its TrustWell
                           On April 14, NextDecade announced that  certification process.
                         it had signed an engineering services agree-  This comes after NextDecade launched a
                         ment (ESA) with Mitsubishi Heavy Indus-  subsidiary, NEXT Carbon Solutions, last month
                         tries America (MHIA) for the design, licence  to develop a carbon capture and storage (CCS)
                         and performance guarantee of the KM CDR  plant to support Rio Grande LNG and capture
                         Process. This is a post-combustion carbon  most of its emissions. Later in March, the com-
                         capture technology that will be applied at Rio  pany also struck a preliminary deal with Occi-
                         Grande LNG.                          dental Petroleum’s Oxy Low Carbon Ventures
                           MHIA’s parent company, Mitsubishi Heavy  unit for offtake and storage of carbon dioxide
                         Industries Group, has deployed 13 carbon cap-  (CO2) from the project.
                         ture systems around the world, including what it   NextDecade has not yet reached a final
                         says is the world’s largest post-combustion car-  investment decision (FID) on Rio Grande, but
                         bon capture facility. The first phase of the carbon  is aiming to sanction at least two trains at the
                         capture project at Rio Grande LNG is expected to  27mn tonne per year (tpy) facility this year. An
                         be comparable in size to this facility.  FID on the associated CCS project is expected to
                           Days later, on April 19, NextDecade said it  follow. The flurry of deals being announced by
                         was partnering with Project Canary on a pilot  NextDecade suggests that the company is mov-
                         project aimed at monitoring, reporting and  ing closer to the FIDs.™

       ExxonMobil proposes giant

       carbon storage project

        US GULF COAST    SUPER-MAJOR ExxonMobil has proposed a  store 50mn tonnes of CO2, with capacity poten-
                         giant carbon storage project for the US Gulf  tially doubling by 2040. The proposal comes after
                         Coast. However, the plan is a costly one that  ExxonMobil launched its low-carbon business in
                         would require $100bn or more from com-  February, saying at the time that the unit’s initial
                         panies and government agencies, according  focus would be on carbon capture and storage
                         to comments made to Reuters by ExxonMo-  (CCS).
                         bil’s president of low carbon solutions, Joe   ExxonMobil’s CEO, Darren Woods, told
                         Blommaert.                           Politico this week that the project offered the
                           The super-major has said that it is important  only realistic way for the US to get anywhere near
                         for the US to establish a market price on carbon  the kinds of quick, aggressive cuts to the coun-
                         in order for the ambitious plan to succeed, or tax  try’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that Pres-
                         breaks and other assistance to help kick-start the  ident Joe Biden has unveiled. Indeed, Biden has
                         scheme. ExxonMobil is not asking for direct fed-  already sought to make tackling climate change
                         eral subsidies, though.              a priority, and is holding a climate summit for 40
                           The project is aimed at capturing carbon  world leaders this week. The US’ new emissions
                         dioxide (CO2) from the 50 largest industrial  reduction target of 50-52% below 2005 levels by
                         emitters along the Houston Ship Channel, Exx-  2030 was announced at this summit.
                         onMobil’s vice-president of low carbon solu-  “There aren’t any bigger opportunities to
                         tions, Guy Powell, was cited by Reuters as saying.  make this kind of reduction in the time frame
                         The region is home to numerous refineries and  we’re talking about,” Woods said.
                         chemical plants. The CO2 would be piped to off-  However, Politico cited people familiar with
                         shore reservoirs in the Gulf of Mexico and stored  White House thinking as saying that the Biden
                         at up to 6,000 feet (1,830 metres) below the sea  administration was not considering Exxon-
                         floor, he added.                     Mobil’s idea as it prepares to roll out its own
                           By 2030, the first phase of the project would  climate plans.™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 16   22•April•2021
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