Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 16 2021
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NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       add 3,300 new wells in 2021.        with Pacific Drilling                functional, thriving global hydrogen economy.
         “Westpower was the perfect fit for this                                  Chevron and Toyota are seeking to
       because both cultures have a lot in common—  Noble Corporation today announced the   work on three main strategic priorities:
       including an emphasis on service and   completion of its acquisition of Pacific   collaborating on hydrogen-related public
       innovative technology,” said Simon Lawrie,   Drilling, effective on April 15, 2021. Pacific   policy measures that support the development
       Vulcan Industrial’s president. “We’re known   Drilling’s high specification ultra-deepwater   of hydrogen infrastructure; understanding
       for exceptional service across US plays, and   drillship fleet further enhances Noble’s global   current and future market demand for light-
       Westpower has built its entire business around   position as an owner and operator of one of   duty and heavy-duty fuel cell electric vehicles
       partnering with its customers. Deploying   the most modern and technically advanced   and supply opportunities for that demand;
       Vulcan products such as our new V-Series™   fleets in the offshore drilling industry.  and exploring opportunities to jointly pursue
       fluid ends will be just another way Westpower   Robert Eifler, president and chief executive   research and development in hydrogen
       reps can help customer fleets improve   officer, said: “I am very pleased to have closed   powered transportation and storage.
       economics.”                         this transaction quickly and am delighted to   “We are excited to collaborate with
         Founded in 1993, Westpower has deep   welcome our new employees, customers, and   Toyota. Working towards a strategic alliance
       roots in serving the Canadian oilfield, and   shareholders into the Noble family. This is an   on hydrogen presents an opportunity to
       today provides not just sales of several dozen   important step for Noble as we continue to   build a large-scale business in a low-carbon
       specialised products and technical services   strengthen our fleet and focus on delivering   area that is complementary to our current
       but also custom design, manufacturing and   safe and efficient services to our global   offerings,” said Andy Walz, president of
       maintenance of engineered pumps, turnkey   customers.”                   Chevron’s Americas Fuels & Lubricants. “This
       packaged systems and more.          NOBLE CORPORATION, April 16, 2021    opportunity leverages our market position,
         “As a Canadian leader in rotating                                      assets, technology, and organisational
       equipment applications, reliability solutions                            capability and supports our efforts to help
       and aftermarket support services, we   ENERGY TRANSITION                 advance a lower-carbon future.”
       understand the importance of lowering our                                  “This is another important step toward
       customer’s total cost of ownership,” said   Chevron, Toyota pursue       building a hydrogen economy,” said Bob
       David Goddard, Westpower’s President. “Our                               Carter, executive vice president, Toyota
       partnership with Vulcan will strengthen our   strategic alliance on      Motor North America. “Combining Toyota’s
       oilfield products and integrated solutions                               decades of experience in developing hydrogen
       offering, enabling us to further support our oil   hydrogen              powered fuel cell electric technology with
       and gas customers in achieving operational                               Chevron’s deep resources in the energy sector
       efficiencies and reliability enhancements.”  Chevron USA, through its Chevron Products   has the potential to create new transportation
       VULCAN INDUSTRIAL, April 22, 2021   Company division, and Toyota Motor North   choices for both consumers and businesses
                                           America announced a memorandum of    that move us toward our goal of carbon
       Noble Corporation                   understanding to explore a strategic alliance   neutrality.”
                                           to catalyse and lead the development of
                                                                                CHEVRON USA AND TOYOTA MOTOR NORTH
       completes combination               commercially viable, large-scale businesses   AMERICA, April 21, 2021
                                           in hydrogen, with the goal to advance a

       Week 16   22•April•2021                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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