Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 16 2021
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NorthAmOil                                   NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

                                                                                to develop a path forward for sustainable
                                                                                aviation fuel that benefits all segments of the
                                                                                  Phillips 66 is a major U.S. refiner and
                                                                                supplier of jet fuel and aviation gasoline.
                                                                                The memorandum of understanding aims to
                                                                                leverage the company’s expertise in refining,
                                                                                distribution and technical commercialisation
                                                                                of transportation fuels as well as its portfolio
                                                                                of renewable energy projects.
                                                                                  The latter includes Rodeo Renewed, the
                                                                                proposed conversion of the San Francisco
       Kinder Morgan increases             result of actions we took following previous   Refinery in Contra Costa County, California,
                                                                                into one of the world’s largest renewable
                                           weather events, as well as actions we took
       dividend 3% and raises              immediately prior to and during this storm   fuels facilities, capable of producing an initial
                                           to ensure that our systems could remain
                                                                                800mn gallons per year of renewable fuels.
       2021 guidance                       operational,” said KMI chief executive officer   The project, subject to permits and approvals,
                                           Steve Kean. “Those actions included enhanced  is expected to be completed in early 2024.
       Kinder Morgan, Inc.’s (NYSE: KMI) board   weatherisation at storage and other facilities,   “Southwest Airlines welcomes projects
       of directors today approved a cash dividend   ensuring critical facilities had backup   like Phillips 66’s proposed Rodeo refinery
       of $0.27 per share for the first quarter ($1.08   generation so they wouldn’t lose power,   conversion to scale up the SAF industry,
       annualised), payable on May 17, 2021, to   and deploying additional personnel and   bringing lower-carbon SAF to market in
       stockholders of record as of the close of   equipment at normally automated facilities   meaningful quantities and thus helping
       business on April 30, 2021. This dividend   to maintain operations and be positioned to   Southwest meet our carbon-reduction
       represents a 3% increase over the fourth   make any necessary repairs if roads became   goals,” said Stacy Malphurs, Southwest’s Vice
       quarter of 2020.                    impassable.                          President of Supply Chain Management
         KMI is reporting first quarter net income   KINDER MORGAN, INC., April 21, 2021  & Environmental Sustainability. “Given
       attributable to KMI of $1,409mn, compared                                Southwest’s extensive operations in the
       to a net loss attributable to KMI of $306mn                              Bay Area and throughout California, we’re
       in the first quarter of 2020; and distributable   DOWNSTREAM             ideally positioned to benefit from any SAF
       cash flow (DCF) of $2,329mn, compared                                    production by Phillips 66 at Rodeo.”
       to $1,261mn in the first quarter of 2020.   Phillips 66 and Southwest    PHILLIPS 66 AND SOUTHWEST AIRLINES, April
       The increases are primarily related to the                               22, 2021
       February winter storm and therefore largely   Airlines collaborate to
       nonrecurring. We realised greater margins
       on KMI’s Texas intrastate pipeline systems   advance sustainable         SERVICES
       resulting from the temporary supply and
       demand imbalances and substantial spot   aviation fuel                   Vulcan Industrial
       market price volatility caused by the storm;
       as well as favourable contributions from the   Phillips 66 and Southwest Airlines have signed   Expands into Canada with
       CO2 segment, which curtailed oil production   a memorandum of understanding to advance
       during the storm, allowing power it would   the commercialisation of sustainable aviation   Westpower
       have used to be delivered to the grid. Net   fuel, focusing on public awareness and
       income for the first quarter of 2021 is also   research and development. The memorandum   Previously serving only operations in the
       higher relative to the prior year period due to   of understanding also sets the framework to   United States, Vulcan Industrial will now
       $971mn of impairment charges taken in the   explore a future supply agreement involving   sell its full range of hydraulic fracturing fluid
       first quarter of 2020.              Phillips 66’s Rodeo Renewed project in   ends, valves, seats, plungers and high-caliber
         “Apart from the storm and throughout the   California and highlights the commitment by   packing to fleets in Canada. This expansion
       quarter, our assets continued to provide strong  both companies to a sustainable energy future.  is made possible through a partnership with
       cash flow as we remain guided by a sound   Sustainable aviation fuel, or SAF, is a lower   Calgary-based Westpower.
       corporate philosophy: fund our capital needs   carbon-intensity fuel that can be produced   Within the energy industry, Vulcan
       internally, maintain a healthy balance sheet,   from renewable feedstocks such as waste oils,   specialises in innovations that improve the
       and return excess cash to our shareholders   fats, greases and vegetable oils. It is a drop-in   economics of hydraulic fracturing fleets—
       through dividend increases and/or share   fuel, meaning it can be used in existing aircraft   using advanced engineering, superior service
       repurchases,” said KMI Executive Chairman   engines and airport fuel infrastructure.  and in-house metallurgy to help units
       Richard D. Kinder.                     “Phillips 66 has a long history of driving   run longer, better and more economically.
         “The bulk of our improvement in net   innovation in the commercial and general   Westpower will serve as Vulcan’s exclusive
       income and DCF is due to the strong   aviation industry,” said Brian Mandell,   distributor in the region. The move into
       performance of our natural gas pipelines   Executive Vice President of Marketing and   Canadian territory comes at a time when
       segment in the face of challenging   Commercial for Phillips 66. “We are excited   Canada’s production is rebounding from
       circumstances presented by the February   to work with Southwest Airlines to find ways   2020’s dual impact of geopolitical price wars
       winter storm. That performance was a   to help achieve its lower-carbon goals and   and COVID disruption, and is forecasted to

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 16   22•April•2021
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