Page 6 - NorthAmOil Week 16 2021
P. 6

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Halliburton, Baker Hughes express

       cautious optimism following first-

       quarter results

       Oilfield services firms Halliburton and Baker Hughes have reported their first-quarter

       results this week, and comments from the companies’ executives illustrate a cautious
       optimism that is tempered by short-term warnings

        GLOBAL           OILFIELD services firms Halliburton and Baker
                         Hughes have both expressed cautious optimism
       WHAT:             about the energy industry’s recovery as they
       Halliburton and Baker   reported their results for the first quarter of 2021
       Hughes both beat analyst   this week.
       expectations with their   Both companies’ results beat Wall Street
       first-quarter results this   expectations. Halliburton – the second larg-
       week.             est oilfield services firm after Schlumberger –
                         reported a net profit of $170mn, or $0.19 per
       WHY:              diluted share, for the first quarter, up from a
       The companies’    net loss of $235mn, or $0.27 per share, in the
       performances were   fourth quarter of 2020 and a loss of $1bn in
       bolstered by the   the first quarter of last year. The result was also
       beginnings of a recovery   an improvement on adjusted net income of
       from COVID-19.    $160mn in the fourth quarter of 2020, excluding  number of countries, energy demand has picked
                         impairments and other charges.       up in recent months and there are hopes that
       WHAT NEXT:          Baker Hughes, for its part, reported a net loss  mass vaccination will help to beat back the virus
       Hopes for a recovery   of $452mn for the first quarter of 2021, down  this year.
       have been tempered by   from a profit of $653mn in the fourth quarter   Increased drilling and completion activity
       warnings that upstream   of 2020 but up from a loss of $10.2bn in the first  in North America contributed to the compa-
       players will be slow to   quarter of last year.        nies’ results, especially for Halliburton, which
       ramp up activity.   Halliburton’s first-quarter earnings were  is a leader in the provision of hydraulic frac-
                         higher than analysts’ estimates of $0.17 per  turing services. Indeed, Halliburton said its
                         share, according to IBES data from Refinitiv  North American revenue had increased 13% to
                         that was reported by Reuters. Halliburton’s  $1.4bn in the first quarter, while Baker Hughes
                         first-quarter revenue of $3.45bn – up 6.6% on  said its North American revenue had risen 1%
                         the fourth quarter of 2020 but down from $5bn  to $625mn.
                         a year earlier – beat analyst expectations of   Both Halliburton and Baker Hughes said they
                         $3.36bn, according to the Refinitiv data.  saw signs of an ongoing recovery, but this was
                           And Baker Hughes’ earnings of $0.12 per  tempered by some warnings about the pace of
                         share beat Wall Street expectations of $0.11 per  that recovery.
                         share.                                “The first quarter marked an activity inflec-
                                                              tion for the international markets, while North
                         Slow recovery                        America continued to stage a healthy recov-
                         The year-on-year rebound in both companies’  ery,” Halliburton’s CEO, Jeff Miller, stated in his
                         earnings illustrates the recovery from the worst  company’s earnings release. However, on Hall-
                         of the energy industry downturn. The coronavi-  iburton’s earnings call, Miller said that oilfield
                         rus (COVID-19) was declared to be a pandemic  services pricing still needed to recover, though
                         in March 2020 and led to lockdowns all over  he added that the company was seeing “positive
                         the world that caused demand for oil and gas to  signs of market rebalancing” that he expected to
                         crash. But although lockdowns are ongoing in a  drive improvement.

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 16   22•April•2021
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