Page 8 - DMEA Week 20 2022
P. 8

DMEA                                          COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

       Results and rumours:

       all go again for Aramco

       Aramco made headlines this week, posting bumper first-
       quarter results and mulling the idea of listing its trading arm.

        MIDDLE EAST      AFTER the characteristically quiet month of  non-state entities and investors.
                         Ramadan, state-backed Saudi Aramco returned   Meanwhile, the interim report showed
                         to the headlines this week with the announce-  that crude oil sales accounted for SAR239.7bn
       WHAT:             ment of its Q1 results and reports of plans for the  ($64bn),  refined  and  chemical products
       Saudi Aramco posted   listing of its trading arm. Meanwhile, the King-  SAR200.6bn ($53.5bn) and natural gas and
       a net income of almost   dom’s energy minister provided an update on a  NGLs SAR18.7bn ($5bn), all up by more than
       $40bn during Q1 as oil   long-term oil capacity expansion effort.  80% y/y.
       prices averaged nearly   Declaring its highest net income since listing   While reporting that average total hydrocar-
       $100.             on the Saudi stock exchange (Tadawul) in 2019,  bon production during Q1 was 13mn barrels of
                         Aramco provided even less headline upstream  oil equivalent per day, up 1.5mn boepd y/y, there
       WHY:              operational information than in previous filings.  was no breakdown offered for oil and gas. Data
       The company is said to                                 seen by Middle East Oil & Gas (MEOG) sug-
       be considering launching   Q1 report                   gests that Aramco’s crude oil production aver-
       an initial public offering   The world’s largest oil company posted the  aged 10.22mn barrels per day (bpd). According
       of its trading arm to   world’s largest profits, declaring net income of  to a note by consultancy IGM Energy, this fig-
       leverage healthy investor   $39.5bn, up 82% year on year as Aramco bene-  ure includes Aramco Gulf Operations Co.’s
       interest in Gulf NOCs.  fited more than anyone from an average realised  (AGOC’s) share of production from the Parti-
                         crude price of $97.7 per barrel, an increase of  tioned Neutral Zone (PNZ) but excludes a 50%
       WHAT NEXT:        more than $37 per barrel y/y.        share of the offshore 300,000 bpd Abu Sa’fah
       Buoyed by high oil prices,   This drove ballooning upstream revenues,  field, which is provided to Bahrain.
       Aramco is set to continue   which grew by a full $30bn compared to Q1 2021   Although Aramco elected not to provide any
       spending heavily as it   up to $70.3bn. The company’s downstream busi-  updates on the ongoing maintenance and devel-
       works to expand Saudi   ness segment also posted a remarkable increase  opment of its massive oil assets, it announced
       Arabia’s maximum   in revenues, which rose from $4.4bn to $10.2bn  that it is nearing the completion of two signifi-
       sustainable oil capacity   on improved refining and chemicals margins.  cant gas developments. Compression projects at
       by more than 1mn bpd   Free cash flow increased from $18.3bn to  Haradh and Hawiyah – gas substructures at the
       by 2027.          $30.6bn and the company continues to pay the  super-giant Ghawar oilfield – are nearing com-
                         $18.75bn per quarter dividend enshrined in its  pletion and will add a combined 1.3bn cubic feet
                         initial public offering (IPO), although with the  (37mn cubic metres) per day of gas when they
                         state still owning 94.3% of the company directly,  come on stream by the end of the year.
                         and another 4% through the Public Investment   Meanwhile, construction is ongoing at a pro-
                         Fund (PIF), just $319mn per quarter goes to  ject to expand the Hawiyah Gas Plant under the

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 20   19•May•2022
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