Page 9 - DMEA Week 20 2022
P. 9

DMEA                                         COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

                         Haradh gas increment programme and Aramco  provided an update on Saudi Arabia’s plans   Source: Saudi Aramco
                         anticipates that it will be operational next year.  to increase its maximum sustainable capacity
                         This followed announcement in its 2021 annual  (MSC) of oil production.
                         report that a gas storage project at the Hawiyah   Speaking during the MGPC event in Bah-
                         Unayzah reservoir is nearing the final engineer-  rain, he said that MSC would rise from the cur-
                         ing design phase, with the project seen providing  rent level of around 12.1mn bpd to 13.3-13.4mn
                         up to 2 bcf (57 mcm) per day of gas for reintro-  bpd by late 2026 or early 2027, exceeding the
                         duction to the Master Gas System by 2024.  13mn bpd directive the Ministry of Energy gave
                                                              Aramco in early 2020. He said the additional
                         Listing ATC                          capacity would come from the development of
                         The day after its Q1 report was released, reports  the PNZ.
                         emerged, suggesting that Aramco is consid-  “We are going to [pump] 13.3-13.4mn bpd
                         ering the IPO of Aramco Trading Co. (ATC),  [with the additional capacity] mostly from the
                         with banks having been hired to prepare for the  Neutral Zone by the end of 2026-27 … We can
                         potential listing.                   continue maintaining sustainable production.
                           Sources close to proceedings told Bloomberg  Like any other producer. We’re working in a mar-
                         that banks including Goldman Sachs, JPMor-  ket where backwardation is more a blessing than
                         gan Chase and Morgan Stanley have been hired  a curse,” he said.
                         to carry out studies, with ATC’s valuation esti-  He reiterated calls for other countries and
                         mated at up to $30bn. The sources said that the  companies to invest in upstream expansion,
                         company could sell up to 30% in the trader.  blaming years of underinvestment for current
                           So far this year, ATC has signed deals with  high prices, noting that even for Saudi Arabia,
                         Germany’s Klesch Group and Red Sea National  capacity expansion required a long lead time.
                         Petrochemicals Co. (Red Sea) for a combined  He mocked comments from IOCs who he said
                         210,000 bpd of crude to downstream facilities  have urged short-term investment in existing
                         in Denmark and Egypt, while discussions are  fields and fields that will have a quick payback
                         understood to remain ongoing to supply crude  period rather than new assets, saying that such
                         feedstock to Oman’s new Duqm refinery, which  comments give the “wrong signal” to the market.
                         opens in 2023.                         “It is about pre-engineering, pipes, wells to be
                           Plans for the listing follow Aramco’s success-  drilled. It’s not switch on, switch off, if you don’t
                         ful close last year of two lease-and-lease-back  do it properly you look inefficient,” Prince Abdu-
                         deals for its oil and gas pipelines infrastructure  laziz added.
                         arms, which netted the Saudi firm nearly $28bn   Current market headwinds at least provide an
                         without having to give up any operational con-  opportunity for the world’s top oil producers to
                         trol or ownership of the assets.     build a war chest with which to fund upstream
                                                              expansion. However, there are none quite
                         Expanded MSC push                    like Aramco. The company reiterated capital
                         Aside from Aramco’s corporate news, the King-  expenditure (Capex) guidance for 2022 at $40-
                         dom’s industry overseer-in-chief, Energy Min-  50bn, $18bn more than last year and considera-
                         ister Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman Al Saud,  bly more than any other NOC or IOC.™

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