Page 14 - LatAmOil Week 36
P. 14

LatAmOil                                         ECUADOR                                            LatAmOil

                         In its ruling, it stressed that its primary mission   State-owned PetroEcuador has already built
                         was to adjudicate violations of constitutional   bypasses that allow two of the affected pipelines
                         rights.                              – the Trans-Ecuadorian Oil Pipeline System
                           Lina Maria Espinosa, the plaintiffs’ attorney,   (SOTE), which can handle up to 360,000 bar-
                         described the court’s ruling as “unacceptable.”   rels per day (bpd) of crude oil, and the Shush-
                         She also told Reuters that her clients intended to   ufindi-Quito petroleum product pipeline – to
                         appeal against the decision, as they believed that   circumvent the affected areas.
                         the government’s willingness to allow for the   Likewise, privately owned Heavy Crude
                         development and sale of oil and gas resources   Pipeline (OCP), the operator of a system with a
                         was “destroying people’s lives and the Amazon   capacity of 173,086 bpd, has also built a bypass
                         rainforest.”                         line. ™

       Fracking legislation stalls in Colombia

                         NEW  legislation that would provide tax   He added: “There is a legitimate expectation
                         breaks for unconventional oil and gas drilling   to make an investment with those royalties.
                         in Colombia has stalled in Congress, despite   For all unconventional reservoir projects in the
                         the government’s much-anticipated plans for   future, in the event they are given viability, first
                         kick-starting the sector.            these pilots must be carried out and evaluated.”
                           The stall appears to stem from a disagree-  Colombia’s national hydrocarbons regulator,
                         ment between the two chambers of Congress.   known as ANH, said previously that it planned
                         Members of the Senate, the upper chamber of   to launch fracking pilots this year. It made this
                         Congress, voted in a plenary session last week   announcement after the country’s top admin-
                         44-39 to remove Article 10, an amendment to   istrative tribunal, the Council of State, lifted a
                         a royalties bill. The amendment, which had   moratorium on unconventional drilling.
                         already been approved by the Chamber of Rep-  Meanwhile, the Energy Ministry is in the
                         resentatives, would reduce the fiscal burden on   midst of drawing up a regulatory framework
                         companies that use hydraulic fracturing (frack-  for the initial fracking projects. The first pilot
                         ing) techniques by 40%.              contracts are due to be awarded within the next
                           Colombian Energy Minister Diego Mesa   couple of months, energy officials have told local
                         responded to this development by saying he   press.
                         was still hopeful that the two chambers of the   Meanwhile, the Council of State has agreed
                         legislature could reach an amicable agreement.  to hear a lawsuit that claims the pilot schemes
                           “We have said that with this Article 210 we   are unconstitutional. Local opponents of
                         are going to preserve the acquired rights of   fracking argue that the practice is bad for the
                         those who have contracts ... including the pilot   environment.
                         projects that are beginning to be carried out,”   Energy experts, by contrast, say that the
                         Mesa said, according to local weekly magazine   introduction of fracking could triple oil and gas
                         Semana.                              reserves in Colombia.

                                              Payara will be Stabroek’s third development area (Image: Eco-Atlantic Oil & Gas)

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 35   03•September•2020
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