Page 18 - LatAmOil Week 36
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LPG Record at Revap: For the third time in 2020,
Revap broke the monthly LPG (Liquefied Petro-
leum Gas) trading record. In August, 80,204
tons were sold, the equivalent of 6.16mn P13 gas
cylinders, versus 75,730 tons from the previous
record, reached in June, representing an increase
of 5.9%. The first record of the year had been
achieved in May, with 71,115 tons.
Revap acts as an important point of supply
of LPG for residential use in Brazil, supplying
directly the regions of Vale do Paraíba, north
coast of São Paulo and south of Minas Gerais,
besides other markets by transference made by
the distributors via road modal to supply sec-
ondary bases.
Petrobras, September 09 2020 Dolphin Drilling, said: ‘Our ability to mobilise recovery rates.
the asset quickly and our excellent operational BASF combines standard and high-per-
and safety performance were key to us winning formance polymers and surfactants into EOR
SERVICES the contract. Blackford Dolphin is one of the formulations which are tailored to specific field
most efficient moored semisubmersibles on the conditions. “A key success factor for chemical
Subsea 7 awarded contract market, providing a reduction of the CO2 emis- EOR projects is the multifaceted partnership
sions associated with drilling due its low fuel with the operator throughout the life of the pro-
extensions in Brazil consumption and high drilling performance. ject,” said Damien Caby, Senior Vice President,
‘Our alliance with PEMEX demonstrates how Oilfield Chemicals and Mining Solutions, BASF.
Subsea 7 has announced an agreement with we can add value to operators located anywhere “This is where our lab-to-well chemical solutions
Petrobras to extend by one year the current long- in the world, and I am looking forward to us con- make a difference.”
term day-rate contracts for three pipelay support tinuing our global growth in the years to come, Lab-to-well means that BASF supports its
vessels (PLSVs) operating offshore Brazil. and see Mexico as a strategically important mar- customers along the entire product development
The extensions have a combined value of ket for our moored semi-submersibles.’ and implementation process, starting in the lab.
approx. $155mn, net of agreed reductions to the A pioneer of North Sea drilling, Dolphin During the design phase, BASF Enhanced Oil
current day-rates, and increase the backlog relat- Drilling is celebrating its 55th year in operation Recovery customizes the chemical solution to
ing to the four Brazilian PLSVs to $493mn at 31 this year and is one of the leading contractors in reservoir conditions through modelling and
August 2020. the industry. The Blackford Dolphin was com- laboratory testing. The well operating conditions
Seven Waves, Seven Rio and Seven Cruzeiro pletely rebuild in 2008 with a 6th gen topside are considered to ensure the product is easy to
will operate at a new day-rate with effect from and can operate in water depths from 70 to 1700 implement in the field. For the implementation
1 August 2020 and their firm contract periods meters moored. phase, BASF offers suitable dissolution equip-
will now end in Q2 2022, Q3 2022 and Q4 2022 Dolphin Drilling, September 03 2020 ment which supports product efficiency and
respectively. Seven Sun will complete its current ensures seamless well operations. Furthermore,
contract in Q2 2022 at its prevailing day-rate. BASF Completes Installation BASF provides field support during injection.
Marcelo Xavier, Vice-President Brazil, In such a polymer flooding project, hydra-
said: ‘These contract extensions reflect our of Enhanced Oil Recovery tion and injection of the polymer solution with
long-standing relationship with Petrobras and minimal mechanical degradation is essential.
desire by both parties to reach a mutually ben- Polymer Injection Plants in “The modular polymer dissolution units were
eficial solution in these challenging times. We designed using BASF’s vast experience in field
remain focused on performing safely and to a Argentina hydration. They preserve the polymer chains and
high standard for our valued client.’ are extremely robust. The units operate remotely
Subsea 7, September 04 2020 In the oil and gas Industry, production declines with minimal maintenance requirements to
as oilfields mature. With its enhanced oil recov- ensure continuous operation,” said Michael
Dolphin Drilling signs ery (EOR) technologies, BASF offers solutions Bueschel, responsible for the enhanced oil recov-
ery business at BASF. “The project in Argentina
that help revive oilfields in decline by maxi-
$83mn contract with PEMEX mizing extraction efficiency from the reservoir. had a very tight schedule. We were able to meet
Recently, BASF’s high molecular weight polymer the very challenging deadlines, while fully com-
Global contractor Dolphin Drilling has signed and polymer injection technologies for EOR plying with the budget. Especially in the final
an $83mn contract with Petroleos Mexicanos were selected to extend the life of a major oilfield phase of this project, our on-site field support
(PEMEX). in Argentina. was crucial for the flawless commissioning of
The deal will see the North Sea drilling pio- The design, supply, installation and commis- the injection units.”
neer’s Blackford Dolphin rig utilised in Mexico sioning of five modular polymer injection units Argentina is pursuing enhanced oil recovery
for the duration of the work, which is expected to were previously successfully completed in close projects in various regions of the country. These
last around 15 months. The Blackford Dolphin collaboration with the operator. These units can polymer flood projects involve supply of BASF’s
is currently mobilising for Mexico ahead of the minimize mechanical degradation of the pol- high molecular weight polymer (HPAM) and
commencement of operations in October. ymer used in the EOR process and are part of polymer injection units.
Bjørnar Iversen, Chief Executive Officer of chemical flooding projects to help increase oil BASF, September 03 2020
P18 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 35 03•September•2020