Page 8 - DMEA Week 50 2020
P. 8

DMEA                          NEWSBASE’S ROUNDUP GLOBAL (NRG)                                          DMEA

       NRG: Brent soars to

       nine-month high

       The benchmark has been supported by further vaccine progress, US

       political developments and tensions flaring in the Middle East

        GLOBAL           WELCOME to the latest edition of NewsBase’s  AfrOil: Mozambique’s security worries
                         Roundup Global (NRG), in which our team of  This week’s AfrOil takes a closer look at Mozam-
                         international editors provide you with a snap-  bique, where security concerns are on the rise
                         shot of some of the key issues affecting their  following another round of clashes between the
                         regional beats. Get the NRG Oil & Gas Editor’s  armed forces and militants attempting to seize ter-
                         Picks to your inbox every week for free. Just sign  ritory in the northern Cabo Delgado Province.
                         up here.                               According to press reports, members of Ahlu
                           Brent topped $50 per barrel on December 10  Sunnah Wa-Jamo (ASWJ), an Islamist group that
                         for the first time since March, supported by grow-  has links to the Islamic State (Daesh), sought to
                         ing positive sentiment about vaccine develop-  take control of the village of Mute last week. The
                         ments. The benchmark regained this level again on  initial attack led the Mozambican armed forces to
                         December 14, before dipping slightly below the $50  send reinforcements to the area, and these soldiers
                         watermark in the early hours of December 15.  succeeded with air support from Dyck Advisory
                           There are several other factors besides vaccines  Group, a private South African security firm.
                         that have been pushing oil prices higher. The US   Since Mute is only around 20 km away from
                         Supreme Court dismissed yet another suit to  the site where Total (France) is constructing a liq-
                         overturn the election results in key swing states on  uefaction plant for the Mozambique LNG project,
                         December 11 and then members of the Electoral  the incident has raised questions about how to
                         College on December 14 affirmed President-elect  safeguard ports and other infrastructure that are
                         Joe Biden’s victory in a vote.       providing support for the development of offshore
                           Negotiations on a bipartisan US stimulus pack-  natural gas fields. ASWJ has reportedly stepped up
                         age are also making progress, albeit slowly. The  its offensive campaign in Cabo Delgado in recent
                         package has also been cut to $748bn, from $908bn  weeks, and some observers believe more attacks are
                         previously.                          likely in the short term.
                           Instability in the Middle East has also had an   In related news, one of Mozambique’s domestic
                         impact. Attacks on infrastructure and political  gas-to-power schemes appears to be making head-
                         unrest have reintroduced an element of geopo-  way, as UK-based Globeleq and its partners in the
                         litical risk into pricing in recent weeks. This week  Central Termica de Temane (CTT) project have
                         an explosion on an oil tanker in Saudi Arabia has  secured up to $250mn worth of debt funding. The
                         raised concerns about stability in the Jeddah oil  US International Development Finance Corpora-
                         hub.                                 tion (DFC) has pledged to provide up to $200mn

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 50   17•December•2020
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