Page 9 - FSUOGM Week 21 2021
P. 9

FSUOGM                                       COMMENTARY                                            FSUOGM

    IEA calls for end to oil, gas

    investment as world strives

    for net zero

       The IEA has adopted its hardest line yet against investment in oil and gas production

        GLOBAL           THE International Energy Agency (IEA) has  considerable headwinds. “Refinery throughput
                         taken its hardest line against oil and gas invest-  drops considerably and there are significantly
       WHAT:             ment yet, forecasting that if the world continues  changes in product demand,” the report states.
       A new report by the   on a net-zero path, no further upstream projects  “With rapid electrification of the vehicle fleet,
       IEA concludes that   are needed beyond those already approved.  there is a major drop in demand for traditional
       no more upstream    The Paris-based agency published its Net  refined products such as gasoline and diesel,
       projects are needed if   Zero by 2050: a Roadmap for the Global Energy  while demand for non-combusted products
       the world embarks on a   Sector report on May 18, concluding that the  such as petrochemicals increases.”
       path towards net-zero   path towards carbon neutrality within three dec-  While 55% of oil today is used to produce gas-
       emissions by 2050.t  ades was “narrow but still achievable.” However,  oline and diesel, the share will fall to only 15% in
                         it will entail dramatic contractions in oil, gas and  2050. Meanwhile, the amount used to produce
       WHY:              coal demand.                         ethane, naphtha and LPG will grow from 20%
       The report envisages   In its Net-Zero Emissions by 2050 Scenario  to nearly 60% in 2050. Many refiners are already
       dramatic contradictions   (NZE), the IEA projects that coal use declines  adjusting to this trend by shifting their product
       in oil, gas and coal   from 5.25bn tonnes in 2020 to a mere 2.5bn  slate more towards petrochemicals, while others
       demand over the coming   tonnes in 2030 and just under 600mn tonnes in  are converting their facilities to produce biofuels.
       decades.          2050. Oil consumption will never return to its   “Refiners are used to coping with changing
                         2019 peak, the agency estimates, shrinking from  demand patterns, but the scale of the changes in
       WHAT NEXT:        88mn barrels per day in 2020 to 72mn bpd in  the NZE would inevitably lead to refinery clo-
       Most countries    2030 and 24mn bpd in 2050.           sures, especially for refineries not able to concen-
       will not follow this   “The trajectory of oil demand in the NZE  trate primarily on petrochemical operations or
       recommendation,   means that no exploration for new resources is  the production of biofuels,” the IEA said.
       and given the great   required and, other than fields already approved   Natural gas, which the IEA has previously
       uncertainties in the   for development, no new oilfields are necessary,”  hailed as a key transition fuel, will fare better
       outlook for many clean   the IEA said. “However, continued investment  than oil but will still see a significant contraction
       technologies, this might   in existing sources of oil production [is] needed.”  in demand. The IEA predicts consumption will
       be prudent.         The refining industry will also face  keep rising into the mid-2020s, but will then

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