Page 14 - FSUOGM Week 21 2021
P. 14

FSUOGM                                 PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                         FSUOGM

       Gazprom Neft plots

       petrochemicals path

        RUSSIA           GAZPROM Neft wants to expand the role of  diversifying the [commodity] basket and mov-
                         petrochemicals in its business, banking on solid  ing towards petrochemicals.”
       Petrochemicals demand   demand growth in the years to come, the direc-  A number of other downstream players in
       will grow by 3% per   tor of its oil and gas refining division, Mikhail  Europe are following a similar course. Austria’s
       year between now and   Antonov, said at a conference in St Petersburg  OMV, for example, recently strengthened its
       2035, according to   last week.                        position in the petrochemicals market by raising
       Gazprom Neft.       The oil arm of state-owned gas giant Gaz-  its stake in polymers giant Borealis from 36% to
                         prom aims to raise polymer production to 15%  75% for $4.7bn. Polish refiner PKN Orlen is pur-
                         of its total refining output by 2035, Antonov said  suing a similar direction, with plans to generate
                         at the Argus Oil Product Market 2021 event. Its  half of its oil processing profit from petrochemi-
                         refining development plans have so far focused  cals by the end of this decade.
                         on improving product quality, with the goal of   According to Antonov, refiners can offer
                         increasing refining depth to 95% by 2025. The  competitive polymer products to the market,
                         refining depth of its refinery in Moscow was only  albeit not in such large volumes as the major pet-
                         82% at the end of last year, although its smaller  rochemicals producers.
                         facility in Omsk had a depth of 93%.   “Any refinery produces a sufficient amount of
                           However, Antonov said Gazprom Neft’s  naphtha and fuel gases that are easy to monetise
                         focus is shifting. This is largely because global  moving from the motor fuel basket to petro-
                         consumption of petrochemical products is set  chemicals,” he said. “This is the kind of techno-
                         to grow by 3% per year between now and 2035,  logical flexibility we can afford.”
                         the executive explained, while demand for motor   Antonov did not disclose any details of pet-
                         fuels will stagnate or see only a marginal increase.  rochemical projects at Gazprom Neft’s process-
                           “We see quite serious challenges in terms of  ing facilities. But he did say that the prospect
                         global demand for petroleum products, includ-  was being considered not only at the Omsk and
                         ing motor fuels in Europe and America,” he said.  Moscow refineries but also the Yaroslavl refinery,
                         “Therefore, today we are starting to think about  which Gazprom Neft co-owns with Rosneft. ™

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 21   26•May•2021
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