Page 16 - LatAmOil Week 03 2023
P. 16

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       Karoon issues drilling

       schedule update for Patola

       field offshore Brazil

       The Noble Developer drilling rig has finished
       drilling and completion activities on the Patola
         Installation of wellheads and Christmas trees
       on the two Patola development wells was final-
       ized in early January 2023 and work is expected
       to commence shortly on installing the remaining
       subsea infrastructure, flowlines, umbilicals and
       other pipework required to connect the wells
       to the Cidade de Itajaí FPSO. Commissioning
       of the new facilities and first production from
       Patola is targeted to commence by the end of the
       first quarter of CY2023.
         The drilling rig is now being mobilised to the
       BAN-1 well location, where an intervention to
       re-open a lower zone in the well that had pre-  exploration company with assets offshore the  This changes to one year with a $90 per barrel
       viously been in production will take place. This  Falkland Islands, has provided an update on its  oil price. The project economics are positively
       is the fourth and final intervention, which was  activities in the Falkland Islands.  impacted by the high-quality reservoir with
       deferred in order to accelerate the Patola devel-  The Company has designed a phased devel-  favourable fluid properties that does not require
       opment drilling.                    opment concept for its large gas condensate  a large number of development wells, the appli-
         Karoon expects that there will be no mate-  discovery (Darwin), located to the south of the  cation of a conventional FPSO development
       rial impact on the final Baúna intervention cost  Falkland Islands and had it validated in a new  and the attractive fiscal terms set by the Falkland
       estimate, as previously provided to the market.  independent engineering study by an inter-  Islands Government.
         After the BAN-1 intervention is complete,  national engineering consultancy. The objec-  Following the initial exploitation phase, pro-
       and subject to the receipt of regulatory approv-  tives were threefold: to generate a production  ject expansion could occur from free cash flow
       als, it is planned that the drilling rig will then  profile that would require relatively low initial  by drilling further production wells on Darwin
       move to the Neon field to drill the first of poten-  capital expenditure; to deliver accelerated pay-  East and the full development of Darwin West.
       tially two Neon control wells. Karoon is actively  back; and to allow expansion of the production  Several options have been identified that could,
       engaging with regulatory authorities to obtain  profile from free cash flow. We believe this has  subject to certain assumptions, elevate produc-
       the necessary Neon approvals in a timely man-  been achieved, and in this regard, an updated  tion towards 70,000 bpd.
       ner, in order to minimise potential standby time.  investor presentation will be uploaded to the   The Company believes that this new phased
         Dr. Julian Fowles, CEO and Managing Direc-  Company’s website giving further details of this  development concept with accelerated payback,
       tor of Karoon, said: “The Patola development is  development concept. The material points are  presents an attractive opportunity for industry
       progressing well, with the drilling and comple-  highlighted below.      collaborators and will help attract the necessary
       tion phase of the project executed without any   The preliminary development would focus  funding to advance this exciting project.
       major safety or environmental incidents. Patola  on Darwin East. Assuming appraisal well flow   Borders & Southern Petroleum, 17 January
       remains on track to commence production dur-  rates meet reservoir modelling expectations,   2023
       ing the first quarter of CY2023. The receipt of  then initial production of 26,000 bpd could be
       final environmental approvals for the Neon drill-  achieved from two production wells and one gas   MODEC’s Anita Garibaldi
       ing has been impacted by the recent change of  injector well. The recently commissioned inde-
       federal administration in Brazil. Consequently,  pendent facilities engineering report validated   FPSO arrives in Brazil for
       we shall undertake the final planned interven-  the development concept, confirming that a con-
       tion in the Baúna field, on BAN-1, prior to mov-  ventional FPSO development concept could be   final commissioning
       ing to Neon.”                       utilised, typical of global deep water petroleum
       Karoon Energy, 16 January 2023      field developments. The proposed subsea com-  The FPSO Anita Garibaldi MV33, our newest
                                           ponents and topsides processing technologies  platform, arrived in Brazil, where its final com-
       Borders & Southern                  would all be standard industry technology. The  missioning will proceed in a shipyard in the state
                                           report also provided up to date cost estimates,  of Espírito Santo. Chartered to Petrobras, the
       Petroleum provides                  per the below.                       vessel will be installed at Marlim field, Campos
                                              Assuming the FPSO is leased, the capital  Basin, and will be capable of processing 80,000
       update on its activities            requirement, excluding contingency, for the  barrels per day (bpd) of crude oil and 7mn cubic
                                           drilling, subsea, and project costs is estimated to  metres per day of gas.
       in the Falkland Islands             be approximately $640mn. Based on Manage-  start operating the FPSO Almirante Barroso
                                                                                  In addition to the MV33, MODEC will also
                                           ment’s scoping study economic modelling, pay-
       AIM-listed Borders & Southern Petroleum,  back could be achieved within two years of first  MV32 in 2023, the first chartered FPSO to be
       the London based independent oil and gas  production (assuming $60 per barrel oil price).  installed at the Búzios field.

       P16                                     www. NEWSBASE .com                     Week 03   18•January•2023
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