Page 13 - MEOG Week 08 2022
P. 13

MEOG                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

       POLICY                              Nasser said.                         Aramco shares close at all-
                                             The move comes in addition to the oil and
       Iranian budget envisages            gas pipeline deals, which were announced   time high
                                           earlier, as part of its asset optimization
       $70 oil, 1.4mn bpd sales            program, Nasser told Argaam on the sidelines   Shares of Saudi Arabian Oil Co. (Saudi
                                           of the International Petroleum Technology
                                                                                Aramco) hit their highest level since listing, at
       The spokesman of the presidium of the   Conference (IPTC) 2022, adding that more   SAR 40.20 on February 21.
       Islamic Consultative Assembly said: “With the   details will be duly announced.  The stock closed at an increase of 4 at SAR
       positive vote of the representatives in the open   Demand for oil is currently high, especially   39.25%, its highest closing since listing, with
       session, the amount of oil exports in the next   in Asia, and is on the rise, Nasser noted,   nearly 40 million shares traded at a total value
       calendar year will be considered at 1.4 million   expecting oil demand to return to and surpass   of 1.6 billion.
       barrels per day at a price of $70/b.  the pre-pandemic levels in the first half of   Accordingly, Saudi Aramco’s market
         Seyed Nezamuddin Mousavi said     2022.                                capitalization reached SAR 7.85 trillion
       on Sunday evening: “The based on the   Elsewhere, Nasser said that Saudi Aramco’s   (equivalent to $2.09 trillion).
       parliament’s decision, the amount of oil   investments in gas to reduce burning liquid   Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin
       sales for the calendar year of 1401 will be   fuel in water and power plants, as well as other  Salman recently announced transferring 4%
       considered at 1.4 mbd at $70 per barrel.”  industries, in the Kingdom, will reach nearly 1   of the oil giant to the Public Investment Fund
         He added: “Based on the deliberations of   million barrels by 2030. The world’s largest oil   (PIF).
       the relevant officials in the Budget Integration   exporter invests almost $700-800 million in   Aramco was established in Saudi Arabia by
       Committee and considering the country’s   technology annually.           a royal decree on Nov. 13, 1988. The company
       capacity, this resolution has been finalized at   The company invested in ramping up   is fully-owned by the Saudi government with a
       the Integration Committee and the Ministry   production capacity, during the worst   paid-up capital of SAR 60 billion, divided into
       of Petroleum has announced that there is   conditions of the pandemic, although   200 billion ordinary shares without face value.
       enough capacity to reach 1.4 million barrels   explorations have been suspended worldwide   The company was listed on the Saudi
       per day of exports for next year.”  since a long time. Despite large reserves, Saudi   market in December 2019.
         The Speaker of the Presidium of the Islamic  Aramco continued its investments in oil and   Aramco’s primary objectives relates to all
       Consultative Assembly stated: “According   gas since 2020.               aspects of energy-related activities, including
       to the upstream laws, an amount of oil sales   Saudi Aramco’s investments started to pay   hydrocarbons, chemicals and other related
       is transferred to the National Development   out amid burgeoning demand for oil. “We   and complementary industries, or any other
       Fund every year, and this year this share will   believe in long-term investments, regardless   activity within or outside Saudi Arabia.
       be about 40%.”                      of market conditions. We will continue   ARGAAM
       SHANA                               expansions locally and overseas,” Nasser said.
                                             Nasser also expected demand for blue
                                           hydrogen to rise in the long term, adding   OIL
       COMPANIES                           that Aramco invests in blue hydrogen. The
                                           company is also in talks with partners and   Cambodia invites Iran to
       Aramco reviewing assets             markets that use blue hydrogen.      explore for oil
                                             The most important is to find markets in
       ahead of potential stake            demand for hydrogen in the long term.  Cambodia has invited Iran to examine the
                                             On the other hand, Nasser affirmed that
       sale                                an additional stake sale in Aramco, the stake   feasibility of developing the Kingdom’s
                                                                                existing oil blocks and requested that
                                           size and target markets will be decided by the
       Saudi Aramco is reviewing some assets ahead   state.                     the republic conduct further oil and gas
       of a potential offer going forward, President   ARGAAM                   exploration studies.
       and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Amin                                     The proposal was made during a courtesy

       Week 08   23•February•2022               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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