Page 12 - LatAmOil Week 42 2022
P. 12

LatAmOil                                          BRAZIL                                            LatAmOil

       Equinor begins production

       at Peregrino-2 platform

                         PEREGRINO C, the third platform installed
                         by Equinor (Norway) at the Peregrino field off-
                         shore Brazil, began producing oil on October
                         10 at 20:00 local time, according to a company
                         press release.
                           This development marks the Peregrino pro-
                         ject’s entry into Phase 2, Equinor noted. It said
                         it expected to extract another 250-300mn bar-
                         rels of oil from the field during this stage and
                         added that the installation of the platform would
                         extend Peregrino’s operating life.
                           Phase 2 will also see the per-barrel level of
                         carbon dioxide emissions drop by 50% over the
                         remainder of the field’s lifetime, the press release
                         reported. This is the result of a switch from die-  The Peregrino-2 platform came on line on October 10 (Image: Equinor)
                         sel- to gas-powered generation, which will bring
                         projected CO2 emissions down by 100,000   and production continued in July 2022, about a
                         tonnes, it said.                     year and a half past the originally scheduled date
                           Additionally, it noted that the launch of the   of late 2020. Equinor missed its original deadline
                         Peregrino-C platform was expected to create   due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic,
                         350 new onshore and offshore jobs in Brazil.  which disrupted progress on the platform and
                           Peregrino-C is equipped with a pipeline that   led to major cuts in the workforce on several
                         will be used to deliver associated gas from the   occasions.
                         wellhead to the platform for power generation,   Despite these difficulties, the Peregrino
                         as well as drilling facilities and additional living   Phase 2 project is anticipated to remain within
                         quarters that are tied into the Peregrino floating   its original $3bn budget.
                         production, storage and off-loading (FPSO) ves-  Meanwhile, Phase 2 will also utilise some
                         sel installed at the field.          of the latest digital tools, including a 3D model
                           Since starting production in 2011, Pere-  of the entire platform that can viewed using an
                         grino, located in the Campos basin, has become   iPad in the field.
                         Equinor’s largest operated field outside Norway.   “The start-up of Peregrino Phase 2 is an
                         It experienced a temporary suspension in pro-  important milestone in Equinor’s growth strat-
                         duction during April 2020 due to the detection   egy in Brazil. This project showcases how we can
                         of a ruptured water-injection riser during a leak   bring valuable new resources onto production at
                         test.                                the same time as investing in technology to cut
                           Following the execution of a maintenance   carbon emissions,” commented Equinor’s exec-
                         programme that included upgrade and repair   utive vice president for exploration and produc-
                         work on the FPSO, Peregrino C was installed   tion international, Al Cook. ™

       Petrobras to sell Argentinian subsidiary

                         BRAZIL’S national oil company (NOC) Petro-  “Petrobras holds stakes in POSA through its
                         bras has announced plans to exit Argentina and   subsidiaries PIB BV (Petrobras Internacional
                         will sell off the wholly-owned subsidiary it has   Braspetro BV), with 95%, and PVIE (Petrobras
                         established to operate in that country.  Valores Internacionais de España), with 5%.”
                           In a statement, Petrobras explained that it   In tender documents, the NOC further
                         had entered the opportunity disclosure stage, or   reported that it had engaged UBS Securities to
                         teaser, for the sale of 100% of equity in Petro-  act as its exclusive financial advisor for the asset
                         bras Operaciones SA (POSA). Currently, it said,   sale.

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 42   19•October•2022
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