Page 16 - LatAmOil Week 42 2022
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Trinity’s Galeota East Coast licence will bene-
fit from the proposals for reduced SPT for new
shallow marine wells. The Company paused a
farm-out process in May 2022 in anticipation of
fiscal reform, and is now progressing alternative
development concepts for Galeota, specifically
the potential to drill the Echo structure from
the existing Trintes field platforms as part of a
broader concept to accelerate the production
of existing 2P reserves from Trintes. This could
enable Trinity to deliver a lower-risk develop-
ment solution that is more capital efficient and
delivers production earlier than if a new stan-
dalone platform was used. Similar fiscal benefits
will accrue to initiatives on the Company’s West
Coast assets that we expect to progress in 2023.
Trinity Exploration, October 19 2022
PROJECTS & COMPANIES in width, P-71 has a 1.6-million-barrel storage on the east coast of Brazil is able to service field
capacity and can accommodate 166 persons. developments in the Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico
Siem Offshore incurs modules, pipe-racks and a flare, and integrating About Sembcorp Marine: Sembcorp Marine
EJA’s P-71 work scope includes fabricating six and West African regions.
penalty due to late delivery them on the vessel along with other modules provides innovative engineering solutions to
and items supplied by the customer. EJA also the global offshore, marine and energy indus-
of Siem Marataizes vessel executed modification works on the FPSO’s top- tries. Headquartered in Singapore, the Group
has close to 60 years of track record in the design
sides and hull to meet Itapu field requirements.
Siem Offshore do Brasil has been notified of EJA President T. Guhan said: “Despite pan- and construction of rigs, floaters, offshore plat-
the final unfavourable decision of a Brazilian demic-related challenges which affected the pro- forms and specialised vessels, as well as in the
court in a lawsuit filed against Petrobras. The ject over a period of 20 months, EJA successfully repair, upgrading and conversion of different
case is related to late delivery of the vessel Siem delivered the P-71 FPSO on schedule, cementing ship types.
Marataizes from yard back in 2016. its status as a premier facility in Brazil capable of Sembcorp Marine’s solutions focus on the fol-
A late delivery penalty charge was imposed taking on full engineering, procurement, con- lowing areas: Renewables, Process, Gas, Ocean
by Petrobras on Siem Offshore do Brasil. The struction and commissioning work for large- Living and Advanced Drilling Rigs.
penalty charge has been accrued for in previous scale offshore projects.” Sembcorp Marine’s customers include major
years’ accounts and will not have any impact on “We thank Petrobras and its partners for energy companies, owners of floating produc-
the Profit and Loss account for 2022. choosing to work with us on the P-68 and P-71 tion units, shipping companies and cruise and
The unfavourable decision of the court FPSO projects. We would also like to recognise ferry operators. They are supported by four
amounts to a cash payment equivalent to around our employees, vendors and community leaders commercial units: Rigs & Floaters; Repairs &
$8mn. whose assistance is important to our continued Upgrades; Offshore Platforms and Specialised
Siem Offshore, October 19 2022 success. We look forward to many more fruitful Shipbuilding.
collaborations with all our stakeholders.” Sembcorp Marine operates shipyards and
Sembcorp Marine’s zilian shipyard with international expertise Norway and Brazil.
other facilities in Singapore, Indonesia, the UK,
EJA Chairman William Goh said: “As a Bra-
Brazilian shipyard and advanced capabilities, we are a major com- About Estaleiro Jurong Aracruz: EJA, Semb-
mercial entity and also a part of the social and corp Marine’s wholly-owned integrated shipyard
completes P-71 FPSO economic fabric of Espirito Santo and its local in Brazil, is located on an 82.5-ha site with a 1.6-
communities. We are committed to growing km long coastline in Aracruz, a municipality of
for Petrobras our business here by providing world-class engi- the state of Espirito Santo.
The shipyard commenced operations in the
neering solutions for the offshore renewables,
Sembcorp Marine, through its wholly-owned oil & gas and other clean energy sectors; and by second half of 2014. It has a 1-km long berth-
and operated subsidiary Estaleiro Jurong Arac- actively promoting and providing skills develop- ing quay with water depth of up to 15.5 metres,
ruz (EJA) has crossed another significant oper- ment, education and employment opportunities, ancillary piping facilities, a steel fabrication
ational milestone with the completion of P-71, as well as healthcare and other sustainable out- workshop with a 4,000-tonne monthly produc-
its second floating, production, storage and off- comes to advance the social and economic pro- tion capacity, and cranes with lifting capacity of
loading (FPSO) vessel project for Tupi BV. gress of the local communities in Aracruz.” up to 3,600 tonnes.
A newbuild FPSO vessel, P-71 sailed away The 82.5ha EJA facility has been operating in EJA undertakes: Construction of drillships,
from EJA’s shipyard today and will be deployed the Espirito Santo municipality of Aracruz since semi-submersible and jack-up rigs, platforms
to the ultra-deepwater Itapu field in Brazil’s San- 2014 and employs up to 4,500 workers during and supply vessels; Integration of FPSOs; Fabri-
tos Basin. When launched into operation, P-71 peak periods of production activities. Besides cation of topside modules; and Repair and mod-
will produce up to 150,000 barrels of oil per day tapping into the burgeoning local offshore oil ification of drilling rigs and different ship types.
(bpd of oil). Measuring 316m in length and 54m and gas industry, EJA, with its strategic location Sembcorp Marine, October 18 2022
P16 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 42 19•October•2022