Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 42 2022
P. 15

LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       The Company’s successful drilling campaign,  opportunities, which include further drilling in  exhibiting the usual anticipated decline rates.
       along with its programme of workovers and  our core onshore areas, the East Coast Galeota   Workovers in the automated wells have been
       recompletions, is forecast to lead to a material  licence and participation in the ongoing onshore  reduced by 10%.
       increase in operating cash flow for 2023, for  licence round. I am pleased that we have built   Net average production guidance for 2022
       which no hedging instruments are in place and  a resilient business and we are now targeting  remains 2,900-3,100 bpd of oil (2021: 3,006 bpd
       the Company will see the benefit of the recent  significant opportunities in our portfolio that  of oil).
       reforms to Supplemental Petroleum Tax (SPT).  have the potential to deliver material economic   Q2-2022 Financial Highlights: Q2-2022
         As announced on October 18, the Compa-  returns to the Company and its shareholders.”  average realisation of $84.3 per barrel (Q2-2022:
       ny’s share buyback programme was successfully   Q3-2022 Operational Highlights: Safely  $96.8 per barrel; Q3-2021: $62.6 per barrel).
       completed on October 17, with 672,000 Ordi-  progressing the fully-funded drilling campaign   Operating cash flow pre-tax and pre-hedg-
       nary Shares repurchased for a total consider-  within the WD-5/6 and Forest Reserve onshore  ing of $8.6mn (unaudited), an increase of 25%
       ation of approximately $1mn. The Board will  blocks: The first two wells (PS 612 and PS 613)  compared to the previous quarter (Q2-2022:
       consider a further share buyback programme.  successfully encountered target reservoir sec-  $6.9mn).
         Jeremy Bridglalsingh, CEO of Trinity, com-  tions as prognosed, confirming our pre -drill   Cash balance of $16.5mn (unaudited) as
       mented: “A key element of delivering Trinity’s  expectations and were brought into production  at September 30, 2022 ($15.0mn as at 30 June
       strategy is maintaining, and now increasing, our  during the Period. Initial aggregate production  2022), reflecting the combination of strong oper-
       base production, with results from the first three  from these two wells was approximately 113 bpd  ating cash generation, the impact of which has
       wells in our drilling campaign being in line with  of oil, within the expected range.  been reduced due to hedging related payments
       our expectations. The difficulties with the global   The third well has subsequently been drilled  and increased capex; primarily the drilling cam-
       supply chain for our horizontal well is frustrat-  successfully and is currently on production test.  paign, and receipt of VAT refunds during the
       ing, but notwithstanding these issues, we are   Stable production: Q3-2022 production sold  Period.
       pleased that we will begin to see the impact of the  averaged 2,990 bpd of oil (Q2-2022: 3,019 bpd of   The Company commenced a $1m share buy-
       current drilling campaign by the end of October  oil; Q3-2021: 2,923 bpd of oil).  back programme which was successfully com-
       2022, and a meaningful step-change in produc-  Year to date 2022 (Q1-Q3) average produc-  pleted on 17 October, with 672,000 Ordinary
       tion is expected in 2023 when the horizontal and  tion volumes sold of 2,979 bpd of oil, broadly flat  Shares repurchased.
       deep wells are expected to be on production.  year-on-year (Q1-Q3-2021: 2,995 bpd of oil).  Average operating break-even for Q3-2022
         “I welcomed the fiscal reforms announced by   Five recompletions (Q2-2022: 9) and 32  was $32.2 per barrel (unaudited) (Q2-2022:
       the Government of Trinidad and Tobago, which  workovers (Q2-2022: 31) were completed dur-  $31.3 per barrel; Q3-2021: $27.8 per barrel).
       will reduce the amount of tax we will pay from  ing the period, with swabbing continuing across   Fiscal Reforms: The Government of Trinidad
       next year. The Company will continue to cham-  the Onshore and West Coast assets.  and Tobago’s 2023 Budget Statement announced
       pion further tax and regulatory reform to make   Ongoing benefits from onshore automation:  proposed reforms to the SPT. The changes for
       investment in Trinidad competitive in an inter-  Production volatility has been reduced and in  onshore production will positively impact our
       national context.                   WD 5/6 production volumes from automated  cashflow, thereby increasing our capacity to
         “Trinity has a strong hopper of exciting  wells have increased marginally rather than  reinvest.

       Week 42   19•October•2022                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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