Page 11 - LatAmOil Week 22 2022
P. 11
The offshore site has already been subjected to favour of development, as the block appears to
exploration drilling, and several discoveries contain enough crude oil to make commercial
have been made within the block. oil production economical.
The Staatsolie chief did not say whether the “TotalEnergies told us that they now have
French major had given any indication as to sufficient reserves,” he told Reuters during the
when this might happen. interview. “As you know, you can only produce
But he did state that the Surinamese author- if you have sufficient reserves. So actually, that’s
ities expected the French major to decide in the most encouraging thing that we’ve heard.”
Petrobras strikes deal on sale of LUBNOR
BRAZIL’S national oil company (NOC) Petro- off non-core assets in order to concentrate on
bras reported last week that it had agreed to sell upstream projects. This plan is designed to help
another downstream asset – namely, the Refi- the NOC focus on offshore exploration and
naria Lubrificantes e Derivados do Nordeste development work in the pre-salt zone, which
(LUBNOR) plant in Ceará state – within the contains large amounts of both crude oil and
framework of its privatisation progrmme. natural gas.
In a statement, Petrobras said it had signed The LUBNOR refinery is located in For-
a sales contract with Grepar Participações, a taleza, a town in Ceará State. It has a through-
corporate entity jointly owned by Grecor Inves- put capacity of 10,400 barrels per day (bpd) and
timentos em Participações Societárias, Greca is one of Brazil’s top producers of asphalt. The
Distribuidora de Asfaltos and Holding GV Par- plant “is the only refining unit in the country
ticipações. The contract provides for Grepar, to produce naphthenic lubricants,” Petrobras
part of Brazil’s privately owned Greca Asfaltos noted in its statement.
Group that focuses on asphalt manufacturing,
to buy the LUBNOR plant and associated assets,
the statement said.
Petrobras reported that Grepar had agreed to
pay the sum of $34mn for LUBNOR. The com-
pany paid $3.4mn on May 25, the date of the
signing of the contract, and is due to pay another
$9.6mn on the date when the transaction closes,
it said. It will then be due to remit the remaining
$21mn, not including contractual adjustments,
as deferred payments, he said.
It is not yet clear when the transaction will be
finalised. The deal must be approved by CADE,
Brazil’s national anti-trust agency, before it goes
forward, the statement said.
It pointed out that LUBNOR would be the
fourth refinery from Petrobras’ portfolio to be
sold since the announcement of plans to hive LUBNOR has a capacity of 10,400 bpd and manufactures asphalt (Photo: Petrobras)
NFE, Ebrasil sell shares in
LNG-to-power project to Eneva
US-BASED New Fortress Energy (NFE) and its company Eneva.
Brazilian joint venture partner Ebrasil Energia NFE announced the joint venture’s plans in
have agreed to sell the Porto do Sergipe thermal a statement dated June 2, saying that the part-
power plant (TPP), the keystone of an LNG-to- ners had entered into a definitive share purchase
power project, to the privately owned Brazilian agreement with Eneva.
Week 22 02•June•2022 www. NEWSBASE .com P11