Page 9 - LatAmOil Week 22 2022
P. 9
LatAmOil GUYANA LatAmOil
Grace Russell, an environmental consultant at Acorn International describes itself as com-
Acorn, confirmed at the event that her com- mitted to providing global companies with the
pany had been selected by EEPGL to conduct expertise and solutions they need to succeed in
the study. Acorn has been approved by Guyana’s project execution in high-risk environments
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to exe- where they are faced by community opposition
cute the project, she said. and environmental barriers. “We aim to pro-
“EIAs are prepared by an independent con- mote more sustainable relationships between
sultant. [So] for this project, that is Acorn Inter- businesses, affected stakeholders and the
national. It was selected by the project developer affected environment, to help all three thrive,”
and approved by the EPA,” Russell confirmed in the company’s website states.
a public statement.This will be Acorn Interna-
tional’s first round of environmental research
work at Stabroek. EEPGL hired another firm –
Environmental Resources Management (ERM),
the largest global sustainability consulting firm
– to conduct environmental studies for the Liza
1, Liza 2, Payara and Yellowtail developments at
the block.
According to Russell, the aim of Acorn Inter-
national’s environmental study is to determine
how the Uaru development project will affect the
lives of the company’s employees and the sur-
rounding population and to inform the affected
parties of these findings.
Following the conclusion of the study, the
Uaru project is expected to come on stream in
2026. With a targeted output of 275,000 barrels
per day, the project would increase Guyana’s
total offshore oil production to more than 1mn Uaru was discovered in 2020 and will come on line in 2026 (Image: ExxonMobil)
Guyana renews ExxonMobil’s
environmental permit for Liza-1
GUYANA’S Environmental Protection Agency development project.
(EPA) said on May 31 that it had renewed the In an official statement, the EPA reported
environmental permit issued to a subsidiary that it had renewed the permit for a period of
of US super-major ExxonMobil for the Liza-1 five years, in line with the relevant legislation.
Equipment problems led to excess gas flaring at Liza-1 in 2020 (Image: ExxonMobil)
Week 22 02•June•2022 www. NEWSBASE .com P9