Page 6 - LatAmOil Week 22 2022
P. 6

LatAmOil                                          MEXICO                                            LatAmOil

                                           Mexico’s government began paying direct fuel subsidies in March (Image: Informador)

       Bloomberg Economics: Mexican subsidy

       costs rising faster than oil export earnings

                         MEXICO’S oil export earnings have risen sig-  “The cost for the government [of the subsidy
                         nificantly this year as a result of bullish trends   programme] has sharply increased and recently
                         on world crude markets, but the upswing has   accelerated, driven by international oil prices
                         not been large enough to compensate for the   and the diminishing appetite to accommodate
                         rise in domestic motor fuel subsidies, according   additional price increases,” he commented.
                         to estimates made by Felipe Hernandez, a Latin   “In March, the government started providing
                         America analyst for Bloomberg Economics.  a direct subsidy on top of the foregone taxes
                           Hernandez said earlier this week that Mexi-  that was the initial mechanism to smooth price
                         co’s national oil company (NOC) Pemex was on   adjustments.”
                         track to collect $1.04bn in excess profits from   Mexico’s government has been taking all
                         crude exports in May. This is less than half of   these steps at the behest of President Andres
                         the sum projected for gasoline and diesel subsi-  Manuel Lopez Obrador, who has pledged to
                         dies, which are expected to total $2.39bn in the   keep domestic fuel price hikes below average
                         same month, so the Finance Ministry will have   inflation rates. The president has been hard-
                         to cover the remaining $1.35bn, he commented.  pressed to uphold this promise to voters in light
                           When contacted by Bloomberg, the Finance   of this year’s oil price rises and Mexico’s contin-
                         Ministry declined to comment on the matter.   ued dependence on imported fuel, despite its
                         The news agency noted that Rogelio Ramirez   status as a producer of crude.
                         de la O, the head of the ministry, had asserted   Even so, Lopez Obrador spoke up in defence
                         in March that Mexico City had the capacity to   of his subsidy policy on June 1, saying at his
                         keep fixing motor fuel prices far below market   daily press conference in Mexico City that he
                         level even if world prices climbed because of the   saw the artificially low prices as a means of
                         rise in crude prices.                keeping money circulating within the local
                           For his part, Hernandez noted that the Mex-  economy. “Instead of considering that we lose
                         ican government had been under increasing   with this subsidy, we think that we win because it
                         financial pressure since March, despite its con-  strengthens the popular economy,” he asserted.
                         fidence in the positive momentum generated   “The excess being obtained because of the high
                         by bullish trends on world crude markets. He   oil prices helps compensate [for] the subsidy.”
                         referred to Mexico City’s decision to introduce a   Elizabeth Garcia Vilchis, a member of the
                         policy of direct subsidies as of March 5, explain-  president’s press team, claimed at the same press
                         ing that this move outweighed the windfall   conference that extra oil revenues were sufficient
                         receipts generated when world oil prices topped   to cover the cost of the motor fuel subsidies.
                         the $55 per barrel baseline figure from the 2022   Bloomberg quoted her as saying that Mexico
                         budget.                              City had spent $4.4bn to keep gasoline and die-
                           This compounded the impact of a move to   sel prices artificially low in the first four months
                         expand temporary exemptions from the IEPS   of 2022, less than half of the total amount of
                         excise tax on goods and services, he explained.  $8.9bn earned from oil export revenues. ™

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