Page 4 - LatAmOil Week 22 2022
P. 4

LatAmOil                                      COMMENTARY                                            LatAmOil

                                                                                                          (Image: YPF)
       Diesel shortages hitting

       in Bolivia and Argentina

       Widespread supply disruptions in northern Argentina and western Bolivia trigger high-level responses

                         THE disruptions that have hit world diesel mar-  in April. Specifically, the news agency reported,
                         kets since late February, when Russia began its   Par Hawaii Refining received around 1mn bar-
       WHAT:             invasion of Ukraine and set energy markets   rels of Escalante grade oil at its refinery in Hon-
       Northern Argentina and   aflutter, appear to be making inroads in at least   olulu in April, while multiple cargoes of sweet
       western Bolivia are   two South American countries. Over the last   Medanito crude were delivered to Valero’s plant
       experiencing shortages of   two weeks, both Argentina and Bolivia have   in Benicia, California and Phillips 66’s facility in
       diesel fuel.      experienced shortages, and domestic suppliers   Ferndale, Washington.
                         have expressed concern about their ability to   These barrels from Argentina were surely
       WHY:              meet demand in the near term.        welcomed by US refiners, some of which had
       The supply disruptions   This essay offers a brief look at recent events   been using Russian feedstock to produce diesel.
       are following widespread   in these two countries.     However, Argentina’s own refining sector prob-
       disruptions in world oil                               ably came to regret upstream producers’ deci-
       and fuel markets stem-  Argentina                      sion to export those volumes by the end of May.
       ming from the Russian   Not so long ago, industry observers began to   By that point, shortages of diesel were being
       invasion of Ukraine.
                         notice that Argentina was helping US refiners   reported in many parts of northern Argentina.
       WHAT NEXT:        fill some of the gaps resulting from the ban on   Moreover, the shortfalls were acute enough that
       Bolivia hopes the comple-  Russian oil imports imposed by the administra-  Oscar Herrera Ahuad, the governor of Misiones
       tion of a new terminal   tion of President Joe Biden.  Province, noted during a formal gathering of the
       in Arica will ease supply   For example, Reuters noted last month, data   governors of 10 northern provinces on May 27
       conditions in western   from Refinitiv Eikon show that US purchases of   that the supply problems might have a negative
       regions.          crude from Argentina reached a four-year high   impact on the yerba mate harvest season.

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 22   02•June•2022
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