Page 7 - NorthAmOil Week 27 2021
P. 7

NorthAmOil                                  PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

                                                  US exports of LNG gas reached record highs in recent months (File Photo)

                         Piped gas imports, meanwhile, are projected   the 83.3 bcf (2.36 bcm) per day of production
                         to climb to an average 9 bcf (254.88 mcm) per   recorded in 2020.
                         day in 2021 and 9.2 bcf (260.54 mcm) per day   Most of this year’s forecast decline in gas con-
                         in 2022, up from 7.9 bcf (223.73 mcm) per day   sumption was attributed to lower demand from
                         in 2020.                             the gas-fired power sector, with weaker demand
                           Despite the expansion of the pipeline grid   expected to continue as a result of rising feed-
                         to transport gas both to and within Mexico,   stock prices.
                         the EIA said LNG exports were set to take over   US exports of LNG have reached record
                         thanks to the gradual recovery in global LNG   highs in recent months, with the EIA noting that
                         demand, high winter demand from Asian buy-  sales had averaged 10.3 bcf (291.7 bcm) per day
                         ers and anticipated global regasification capac-  from March through to the end of May. Those
                         ity expansions in both existing and new markets   levels, it said, were supported by high spot LNG
                         over the next two years.             prices in Asia and Europe and continued recov-
                           Underpinning this rise in sales will be an   ery in global demand levels.
                         anticipated 1.3% year-on-year rise in the coun-  While the EIA said that exports in June were
                         try’s dry natural gas production in 2021 to aver-  estimated to have declined to 9 bcf per day, it said
                         age 92.6 bcf (2.62bn cubic metres) per day. At the   that this was likely the result of both planned and
                         same time, the administration said it expected   unplanned outages at several of the country’s liq-
                         consumption to contract by 1.1% this year from   uefaction facilities. ™

       Suncor, Cenovus put cost of

       net-zero pledge at nearly $60bn

                         THE Canadian oil sands industry will need to   The CEOs also pointed out, though, that
                         spend approximately CAD75bn ($59.75bn) to   reaching this goal would be difficult as well as
                         reduce its net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions   expensive.
                         to zero by 2050, according to the heads of Sun-  According to Little, about half of the cuts that
                         cor Energy and Cenovus Energy.       oil sands developers plan to make will involve
                           Both Cenovus CEO Alexander Pourbaix   capturing carbon dioxide at production sites
                         and Suncor CEO Mark Little declared during   and then sequestering it far below the surface.
                         an interview with Bloomberg earlier this week   This is such a costly process that Norway’s gov-
                         that they still supported plans for achieving the   ernment has agreed to foot two thirds of the bill,
                         net-zero target by 2050. Little stressed this point,   and Canada’s government may need to follow
                         saying: “We have one Achilles heel: It’s green-  suit, he said.
                         house gas emissions. We can bury our heads in   At the same time, he commented, there is
                         the sand and become a victim, or we can actually   also considerable uncertainty about what steps
                         deal with it.”                       to take.

       Week 27   08•July•2021                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P7
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