Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 27 2021
P. 11

NorthAmOil                                       POLICY                                          NorthAmOil

                         Stenehjem noted that Bismarck had taken action   “I welcome and support the Louisiana fed-
                         shortly after BLM suffered a legal setback in   eral district court’s decision, and I look forward
                         Louisiana.                           to defending North Dakota’s vital interests in
                           On June 15, he explained, a federal court in   its natural resources and continuing to put the
                         that state decided to issue a preliminary injunc-  pressure on the federal government to do the
                         tion against the bureau’s lease cancellation pol-  right thing for our state,” he commented.
                         icy. North Dakota is also hoping to obtain relief,   As of press time, neither the DoI nor BLM
                         he said.                             had commented publicly on the matter. ™

                                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES
       Pieridae Energy says it is considering

       a “new direction” for Goldboro LNG

                         PIERIDAE Energy (Canada) said last week that   version of the LNG project impractical,” Soren-
                         it was considering several options for the Gold-  son commented.
                         boro LNG export terminal in Nova Scotia after   In the meantime, he said, the company will
                         failing to decide whether to proceed with the   examine other options. “Following consultation
                         project by the deadline of June 30.  with our board, we have made the decision to
                           The Canadian company had originally   move Goldboro LNG in a new direction,” he
                         hoped to take a final investment decision (FID)   stated.
                         on the $10bn export terminal project in 2020.   He did not discuss any of the alternatives
                         Instead, it opted to push the target date for FID   under consideration. However, he did say that
                         back to mid-2021, citing the challenges raised   the company would “now assess options and
                         by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. But   analyse strategic alternatives that could make an
                         according to a company statement dated July   LNG project more compatible with the current
                         2, it could not achieve this milestone because   environment.”
                         it determined that the current version of the   Pieridae will also “continue its work to fur-
                         design for the terminal was not economical.  ther optimise the operation and development
                           The statement did not identify any specific   of our extensive Foothills resources and mid-
                         problems with the design for Goldboro LNG.   stream assets, including our carbon capture and
                         However, it quoted Pieridae’s CEO Alfred   sequestration and blue power development,” he
                         Sorenson as saying that the project faced too   added.
                         many obstacles to continue unless major   According to previous reports, the Goldboro
                         changes could be made.               LNG terminal was to consist of a gas liquefac-
                           “While Pieridae has made tremendous pro-  tion plant with two production trains, each with
                         gress in advancing the Goldboro LNG project,   a capacity of 5mn tonnes per year (tpy), and
                         as of June 30, 2021, we have not been able to   tanker loading facilities.
                         meet all of the key conditions necessary to make   It would have received gas for processing via
                         a final investment decision ... [It] became appar-  the Maritimes and Northeast pipeline and then
                         ent that cost pressures and time constraints due   exported the resulting LNG to Asia, Europe and
                         to COVID-19 have made building the current   South America. ™

                                                       Rendering of Goldboro LNG export terminal (Photo: Goldboro LNG)

       Week 27   08•July•2021                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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