Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 27 2021
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NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       Final fully processed stacks are expected to be                          accretive to cash flow per share and adjusted
       delivered to the industry by Q3-2022. This pro-                          EBITDA per share and generate annual syner-
       ject is supported by industry funding.                                   gies of more than $15mn. Complements Pat-
       PGS, July 6 2021                                                         terson-UTI’s current customer base and allows
                                                                                Patterson-UTI to accelerate its super-spec rig
       Reveal Energy Services to                                                count growth into a market with improving
                                                                                demand. Enhances Patterson-UTI’s focus on
       commercialise fracking                                                   reduced emissions, with additional rigs capable
                                                                                of using natural gas as a primary fuel source.
       pressure diagnostics                                                     stated: “As a leading provider of contract drill-
                                                                                  Andy Hendricks, Patterson-UTI’s CEO,
       Reveal Energy Services announced today that  surveyor to ensure the safe removal and transat-  ing services in the United States, we are proud to
       they have entered into a technology licensing  lantic transportation of seven platforms includ-  announce this transaction. Pioneer’s high-qual-
       and development agreement to commercialise  ing topsides and jackets with a combined total  ity fleet of 17 drilling rigs in the US, of which 16
       ConocoPhillips’ patented poroelastic response  weight in excess of 45,000 mt.  are super-spec, will be a valuable addition to our
       measurement (PRM) technology, and the com-  The work was led and executed by Aqualis-  business. Additionally, many of these rigs are
       panies will perform joint research and develop-  Braemar LOC’s Canadian operation, with  capable of substituting cleaner-burning natu-
       ment in the PRM technology space.   support from the group’s global decommis-  ral gas for diesel, a technology that is becoming
         Reveal Energy Services will integrate this  sioning team including the UK, for the load-in  increasingly important to operators for reduced
       novel technology for mapping hydraulic frac-  operations.                emissions.
       tures and real-time fracture monitoring into its   Over 6,000 hours in total were spent on the   “Following the closing of this transaction,
       IMAGE Frac® service. IMAGE Frac, developed  project, with the majority executed in 2020, in  Patterson-UTI will own 166 super-spec rigs in
       under an exclusive license from Equinor since  the midst of the pandemic. The last shipment  the United States, with almost half of these rigs
       2016, provides simple, accurate, affordable frac-  arrived in the UK in early 2021. Ninety-nine per  equipped to utilise alternative power sources for
       ture maps based on pressure measurements in  cent of the material will be recycled.  reduced emissions. Furthermore, this transac-
       offset wells. It has been used to quantify fractures   “Sable was a large and complex project in  tion expands our geographic footprint into the
       in more than 30,000 hydraulic fracturing stages  that it consisted of seven platforms and subsea  international markets with the addition of eight
       in the US and Canada.               infrastructure at five different locations. Our  rigs in Colombia, where Pioneer has worked for
         “We are delighted that ConocoPhillips has  global reach enabled us to provide a seamless  14 years with an experienced operations team
       chosen to collaborate with us,” said Sudhendu  transition of expertise, supporting the removal  and a well-established infrastructure. I want to
       Kashikar, CEO, Reveal Energy Services. “This  activities and load-in operations across the  recognise the Pioneer employees for their hard
       agreement propels Reveal Energy Services into  Atlantic, despite significant restrictions imposed  work in creating such an attractive company
       a strong leadership position in hydraulic frac-  by COVID-19,” said Ewan Browell, Head of  with great performance for their customers,
       turing diagnostics using low-cost pressure data.  AqualisBraemar LOC’s Canadian operations.  and I look forward to welcoming the Pioneer
       Operators will be able to optimise completion   AqualisBraemar, June 29 2021  employees to the Patterson-UTI family.”
       designs and well spacing, not just for science                             Transaction and Timing: Under the terms
       pads but for all projects. Reveal Energy Services                        of the transaction, Patterson-UTI will acquire
       is leading a fracture diagnostics culture change  INVESTMENT             Pioneer Energy Services for aggregate consider-
       to continuous monitoring with continual inno-                            ation of up to 26.275mn shares of Patterson-UTI
       vation in software and services.    Patterson-UTI Energy to              common stock and $30mn of cash. As more fully
         Since 2016, Reveal Energy Services’ R&D                                described in the acquisition agreement, all Pio-
       has resulted in 12 issued patents and numerous   acquire Pioneer Energy   neer Energy Services debt is being retired in the
       industry awards for innovation. The latest of                            transaction with a portion of such shares and
       these is the recently released ORCHID® com-  Services                    cash and with Pioneer Energy Services’ cash on
       pletions evaluation platform, the industry’s only                        hand determined in accordance with the acqui-
       software that integrates all sources of diagnostic  Patterson-UTI Energy today announced that it  sition agreement prior to closing. The number
       data to empower profitable development deci-  has entered into an agreement to acquire Pio-  of Patterson-UTI shares to be delivered in the
       sions faster.                       neer Energy Services Corp. for approximately  acquisition is subject to downward adjustment
       Reveal Energy Services, July 6 2021  $295mn, which includes the retirement of all  if the VWAP of Patterson-UTI shares for the 10
                                           Pioneer Energy Services’ debt. Consideration  days prior to closing exceeds $11.00, in which
       AqualisBraemar LOC wraps            for this acquisition consists of the issuance of up  case the shares to be delivered will be reduced
                                           to 26,275,000 shares of Patterson-UTI common  by 50% of the value exceeding $11.00 per share.
       up decommissioning and              stock plus payment of $30mn of cash. The trans-  The transaction values Pioneer Energy Services
                                           action is expected to close in the fourth quarter  on a cash and debt free basis at approximately
       removal of Sable platform           of 2021, subject to regulatory approvals, custom-  $295mn, assuming the issuance of 26.275mn
                                           ary closing conditions and the approval of Pio-
                                                                                shares of Patterson-UTI common stock at the
       AqualisBraemar LOC, the energy and marine  neer Energy Services’ stockholders.  closing price of $10.14 on July 2, 2021, plus
       consultants, has completed its assignment in   Transaction highlights and strategic ration-  $30mn of cash. Pioneer Energy Services’ con-
       connection with the decommissioning and  ale include: Adds 16 super-spec drilling rigs to  vertible notes will convert into shares of Pioneer
       removal campaign of the Sable Project off the  Patterson-UTI’s current fleet of 150 super-spec  common stock in accordance with their terms
       coast of Nova Scotia, Canada.       drilling rigs in the US. Expands Patterson-UTI’s  in connection with the closing and will receive
         AqualisBraemar LOC was appointed in  geographic footprint with the addition of eight  Patterson-UTI shares on the same basis as if the
       2017 by ExxonMobil to act as marine warranty  pad-capable rigs in Colombia. Expected to be  notes had been converted prior to the closing.

       Week 27   08•July•2021                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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