Page 14 - NorthAmOil Week 27 2021
P. 14

NorthAmOil                                   NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

       The transaction was unanimously approved by
       each of Patterson-UTI’s and Pioneer Energy Ser-
       vices’ board of directors and is expected to close
       in the fourth quarter of 2021, subject to regula-
       tory approvals, customary closing conditions
       and the approval of Pioneer Energy Services’
         Additionally, Patterson-UTI has entered into
       an agreement with holders who collectively rep-
       resent approximately 88% of the outstanding
       voting power of Pioneer Energy Services to vote
       in favor of the transaction.
         In addition to the US and Colombian con-
       tract drilling businesses, Pioneer Energy Ser-
       vices includes a well-run and high-quality well
       service rig business consisting of 123 service
       rigs with a leadership position in the Gulf Coast
       region. Patterson-UTI believes this business
       would be better served as part of a larger well ser-
       vice rig business or as a focused standalone busi-
       ness. Accordingly, Patterson-UTI expects that
       this well service rig business would be divested
       following the closing of the transaction.  Rusty Hutson, Jr., CEO of the Company,  Counsel, and Secretary.
       Patterson-UTI, July 6 2021          commented: “Today’s announcement marks   Thomas L. Carter, Jr., Black Stone’s Chair-
                                           an important step in broadening our operating  man and CEO, commented: “We’re very excited
       Diversified Energy                  footprint within the Central Regional Focus  to welcome Carrie to Black Stone. She brings
                                           Area. Closing this transaction marks our entry  significant strategic and practical experience,
       announces completion of             into the historic Barnett producing area, which  which will be invaluable as we continue to focus
                                                                                on development of our asset base to return max-
                                           offers an attractive area for future growth. Sim-
       Blackbeard acquisition              ilar to our nearby and recently closed acquisi-  imum value to our unitholders. We also expect
                                           tion of Indigo assets in the Cotton Valley area,  that Carrie’s acumen in leading teams will fur-
       Diversified Energy has completed the purchase  the Barnett area provides access to a portfolio  ther strengthen our Land and Land Administra-
       of certain upstream assets and related infrastruc-  of future consolidation opportunities which  tion groups.”
       ture within its Central Regional Focus Area from  meet our preferred asset criteria and afford us   Clark has over 20 years of land and legal expe-
       Blackbeard Operating, as previously announced  the opportunity to build scale and operating  rience, mostly in senior roles. She most recently
       on May 20, 2021.                    efficiencies. These mature Barnett wells further  served as Executive Vice President and Chief
         Acquisition Highlights: Enlarges the Compa-  expand our base of low-decline production and  Administrative Officer of University Lands, a
       ny’s presence in its Central RFA with an entry  Smarter Asset Management opportunities.  company within the University of Texas System
       into the Barnett producing area. Net considera-  “As with each transaction, I would like to  that manages over 2mn acres of surface and min-
       tion of $166mn represents a ~3.5x cash multiple  welcome the Blackbeard employees who work  eral interests in West Texas.
       on approximately $48mn of estimated next 12  on these wells to the Diversified family. We look   Before joining University Lands, Ms. Clark
       months’ Adjusted EBITDA. Current production  forward to working with these talented individ-  was Deputy General Counsel at Talos Energy,
       of ~16mn boepd (~95 mcf per day) includes  uals to deploy our Smarter Asset Management  now a public offshore exploration and produc-
       ~820 net operated wells with an average produc-  efforts across the acquired assets to create value  tion company, where she headed land. Before
       tion-weighted well age of 11 years. PDP reserves  for our shareholders.”  Talos, she served as Vice President, Land & Legal
       of ~79mn boe (473 bcf equivalent) with pretax   Diversified Energy, July 5 2021  at EnerVest Operating, a private operator, where
       PV10 of ~$238mn at the effective date of April 1,                        she oversaw land and legal and managed acqui-
       2021, and based on May 7, 2021, NYMEX strip.                             sitions and divestitures.
       Retention of ~50 skilled Blackbeard field person-  MOVES                   Clark began her career in land and legal roles
       nel who provide continuity of operations and                             at Shell Oil Company and a Texas-based electric
       who will facilitate clear identification of Smarter   Black Stone Minerals   co-operative. She currently serves on the Board
       Asset Management opportunities to create value.                          of Directors of Brigham Minerals Corporation
       Hedge contracts covering ~80% of remaining   announces hiring of         but expects to step down from that position in
       CY2021 production at an average floor price of                           connection with her appointment at Black Stone.
       $2.93 per mmBtu. For the Acquisition, Diver-  Carrie Clark as senior VP  She has a JD from the University of Houston Law
       sified paid total net consideration of approxi-                          Center and a BBA in Petroleum Land Manage-
       mately $166mn ($180mn, gross) after customary  Black Stone Minerals today announced that  ment and Finance from Texas Tech University.
       purchase price adjustments with a April 1, 2021  Carrie P. Clark will join the Company’s execu-  Black Stone Minerals is one of the largest
       effective date. The Company funded the Acqui-  tive team as Senior Vice President, Land & Legal  owners of oil and natural gas mineral interests
       sition through a combination of cash on hand,  on August 2, 2021. In that role, she will over-  in the US. The Company owns mineral interests
       including funds from its recent issuance of  see Black Stone’s Land and Land Administra-  and royalty interests in 41 states in the continen-
       equity shares in May, and existing availability on  tion groups. Steve Putman will continue in his  tal US.
       the Company’s Revolving Credit Facility.  current role as Senior Vice President, General   Black Stone Minerals, June 30 2021

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 27   08•July•2021
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