Page 15 - NorthAmOil Week 27 2021
P. 15

NorthAmOil                    NEWSBASE ROUNDUP GLOBAL (NRG)                                      NorthAmOil

       NewsBase Roundup Global (NRG)

        NRG              Welcome to NewsBase’s Roundup Global  recovered in total during its lifetime.
                         (NRG), in which the reader is invited to join
                         our team of international editors, who provide a  FSU OGM: Gazprom sends record
                         snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their  volumes to Europe
                         regional beats. We hope you will like NRG’s new   Russia’s Gazprom exported record volumes of
                         concise format, but by clicking on the headline  gas to Europe during the first half of the year,
                         link for each section the full text will be available  despite recent claims in the press that the com-
                         as before.                           pany has been withholding supply to jack up
                                                              prices. Gazprom’s supplies to non-CIS states
                         AfrOil: Nigeria passes PIB at long last Both  were up 25.7% year on year at 99.9bn cubic
                         houses of Nigeria’s National Assembly voted  metres, the company said.
                         on July 1 to pass the Petroleum Industry Bill
                         (PIB), which will serve as the country’s new oil   GLNG: Crown LNG picks Aker for Indian
                         and gas law. The legislation will now be sent to   project
                         President Muhammadu Buhari, who is expected  Norway’s Crown LNG has picked compatriot
                         to sign it into law in the near future.  Aker Solutions to serve as main contractor in the
                                                              development of an LNG terminal offshore the
                         AsianOil: Sacgasco expands into      Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. Aker Solutions
                         Philippine upstream                  will first provide FEED services for the 7.2mn
                         Australian junior Sacgasco has expanded its  tonne per year (tpy) LNG terminal, which will
                         upstream portfolio after acquiring interests in  be located around 11 km offshore Kakinda City,
                         four licences offshore the Philippines from Thai  before taking on the role as the project’s EPCIC
                         energy conglomerate Bangchak. Sacgasco said  contractor once a final investment decision has
                         on July 5 that it had paid $1 for BCP Energy  been made.
                         International (BCPEI), which owns Nido
                         Petroleum.                           LatAmOil: ExxonMobil drills dry hole at
                         DMEA: Pipeline promise in Africa     ExxonMobil (US) has experienced a disappoint-
                         UK-registered Coven Energy has proposed the  ment at Canje, a deepwater block offshore Guy-
                         construction of a $850mn fuel pipeline to pro-  ana, as it did not find commercial quantities of
                         vide greater energy security to Zimbabwe, which  hydrocarbons in the Jabillo-1 well. Canada’s Eco
                         is heavily reliant on the Beira-Feruka link. Mean-  (Atlantic) Oil & Gas, an indirect shareholder in
                         while, the governor of Nigeria’s Edo State said  the project, said the exploration well was able to
                         this week that the Edo Modular Refinery at  test the designated target layers – namely, Upper
                         Ologbo would receive crude oil feedstock from  Cretaceous reservoirs in a stratigraphic trap.
                         the Escravos pipeline via a conduit that runs to
                         Lagos.                               MEOG: Omani sale and Iraqi exits
                                                              Oman’s NOC is considering the sale of its Abraj
                         EurOil: Martin Linge  inally online Norway’s  Energy Services drilling unit to aid economic
                         Equinor has at long last commissioned the   recovery from the coronavirus (COVID-19)
                         Martin Linge gas field, a troubled project that  pandemic. Meanwhile, Baghdad’s efforts to
                         is arriving five years behind schedule and at   bring about a significant increase in oil produc-
                         double its original cost. Equinor announced   tion suffered another major setback this week
                         the launch on June 30, estimating that the North  as the country’s oil minister said more IOCs are
                         Sea field would flow 115,000 barrels of oil equiv-  keen to reduce their exposure or withdraw from
                         alent per day (boepd). Some 260mn boe will be  Iraq. ™

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       Week 27   08•July•2021                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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