Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 27 2021
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NorthAmOil                                   NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

       MIDSTREAM                           advisors with respect to the US federal, state and  advisor to ExxonMobil Chemical Co..
                                           local or foreign tax consequences, as applicable,   ExxonMobil, June 30 2021
       DTE Energy completes                of the spin-off.
                                           DTE Energy, July 1 2021
       spin-off of DT Midstream                                                 SERVICES
       DTE Energy announced today that it has com-  PETROCHEMICALS              TGS and PGS announce Lewis
       pleted the previously announced spin-off of its
       non-utility natural gas pipeline, storage and   ExxonMobil to sell global   Hills 3D multi-client phase 2
       gathering business, DT Midstream. The trans-
       action transforms DTE into a best-in-class, pre-  SantopreneTM business  offshore East Canada
       dominantly pure-play electric and natural gas
       utility with superior earnings growth, a strong  ExxonMobil Chemical Co. has signed an agree-  TGS, a global provider of energy data and intelli-
       capital investment plan and a proven record of  ment with Celanese for the sale of its global  gence, in partnership with PGS, has announced
       cost management.                    SantopreneTM business for $1.15bn, subject to  Lewis Hills 3D multi-client phase 2 offshore East
         “The separation of DT Midstream builds on  working capital and other adjustments.  Canada. Phase 2 includes the acquisition of 947
       our long track record of delivering value to our   The sale includes two world-scale manufac-  square km of additional 3D data, tying into the
       shareholders,” said Jerry Norcia, DTE Energy  turing sites in Pensacola, Florida, and Newport,  existing project’s 2,811 square km to create one
       president and CEO. “With the completion of this  Wales, along with associated product, process  contiguous dataset.
       transaction, approximately 90% of DTE Energy’s  development and laboratory equipment, oper-  The Lewis Hill 3D volume is positioned in the
       operating earnings and investments will now be  ating and administration buildings, control  highly prospective Orphan Basin, with recent
       focused on our utility operations. I am incredibly  systems and documentation, and intellectual  discoveries in the Flemish Pass and connecting
       proud of the work the DTE and DT Midstream  property.                    further south to the productive Jeanne D’Arc
       teams have done over the last few months to   “Reaching this agreement with Celanese is  basin. An expansive well log library is also availa-
       complete the separation and establish two inde-  consistent with our strategy and allows us to  ble in the region, along with advanced multi-cli-
       pendent, Detroit-based companies that are even  focus on serving the growing market for pri-  ent interpretation products that will improve
       better positioned to grow and thrive.”  mary olefin derivatives, where we can leverage  play, trend and prospect delineation.
         With the separation complete, DTE Energy  our competitive advantages of industry leading   David Hajovsky, EVP of Western Hemisphere
       continues to target a long-term operating EPS  scale, integration and proprietary technology,”  at TGS, commented: “The TGS and PGS joint
       growth rate of 5% to 7% off its 2020 original  said Jack Williams, senior vice president of  venture continues to consistently provide the
       guidance. DTE Energy’s growth is supported by  Exxon Mobil Corporation.  highest quality data ahead of scheduled licens-
       $17bn of planned utility capital investments over   ExxonMobil’s SantopreneTM brand is a  ing rounds, further strengthening our position
       the next five years. These investments are aligned  global leader in a specialised market. The com-  in East Coast Canada. Phase 2 of this project will
       with DTE Energy’s aggressive clean energy tar-  pany will continue to serve elastomers customers  provide additional contiguous 3D data coverage
       gets, including net zero greenhouse gas emis-  with specialty products, including Butyl rubber  and enhance the geological understanding in the
       sions by 2050 and its commitment to providing  and VistalonTM, which are used in a variety of  region, allowing clients to de-risk their explora-
       clean, safe, reliable and affordable energy.  applications.              tion activities and investments.”
         As previously announced, in connection   The transaction is expected to close in   Neil Paddy, VP North America at PGS,
       with the spin-off, DTE Energy shareholders  the fourth quarter of 2021, subject to regula-  commented: “The Lewis Hills Phase 2 survey
       retained their current shares of DTE stock. At  tory, information and consultation processes,  completes coverage between the Flemish Pass
       12:01 a.m. ET on July 1, 2021, DTE sharehold-  and third-party approvals. The ExxonMobil  and Orphan Basin. GeoStreamer imaging tech-
       ers also received a distribution of one share of  employees impacted by the sale are expected  nology supports the ongoing exploration drill-
       DT Midstream common stock for every two  to transfer to positions at Celanese following  ing programmes, and this project will be key
       shares of DTE common stock owned as of the  change-in-control.           in enhancing understanding of the petroleum
       close of business on June 18, 2021, the record   Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC served as financial  systems at play.”
       date. Fractional shares of DT Midstream com-
       mon stock were not distributed to DTE Energy
         Instead, the fractional shares of DT Mid-
       stream common stock are being aggregated
       and sold in the open market, with the net pro-
       ceeds distributed pro rata in cash payments to
       DTE Energy shareholders who would otherwise
       receive a fractional share of DT Midstream com-
       mon stock. DTE Energy did not retain any of the
       outstanding common stock of DT Midstream.
       For US federal income tax purposes, DTE Ener-
       gy’s US shareholders (other than those subject
       to special rules) generally should not recognise
       gain or loss as a result of the distribution of DT
       Midstream shares, except with respect to cash
       received in lieu of fractional shares. DTE Energy
       shareholders are urged to consult with their tax

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 27   08•July•2021
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