Page 7 - NorthAmOil Week 41
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NorthAmOil                                         NRG                                           NorthAmOil

                         Zelenskiy has promised to fast-track reforms and  welcome by the LNG industry more broadly, as
                         ensure greater independence at state institutions.  the sector continues to grapple with oversupply
                         But Hochstein’s comments – and the resignation  that buyers are struggling to absorb. Despite this,
                         of Ukraine’s central bank governor Yakiv Smolii  though, various companies are continuing to
                         in July over what he said was “sustained political  move towards the approval of new liquefaction
                         pressure” – suggest otherwise.       capacity.
                           Meanwhile, Poland’s competition watchdog   Notably, last week US-based NextDecade
                         UOKiK said on October 7 it had fined the Rus-  announced that it would target carbon neutral-
                         sian gas supplier Gazprom PLN29bn ($7.6bn)  ity at its proposed Rio Grande LNG terminal,
                         for going ahead with Nord Stream 2 without its  on which a final investment decision (FID) is
                         consent. Gazprom’s financing agreements with  targeted for 2021. NextDecade said it would use
                         its European partners effectively established  a combination of carbon capture and storage
                         a de-facto joint venture, the regulator argues,  (CCS) and “proprietary processes” to achieve
                         meaning its approval was needed because of the  carbon neutrality at the 27mn tonne per year
                         pipeline’s impact on the Polish gas market.  (tpy) Rio Grande facility. (See: NextDecade tar-
                           Gazprom has vowed to appeal against the  gets carbon neutrality at proposed Rio Grande
                         decision, setting Poland and Russia on a course  LNG project, page 15)
                         for an arbitration dispute that could last years.
                                                              If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping
                         If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping   the global LNG sector then please click here for
                         the former Soviet Union’s oil and gas sector then please   NewsBase’s GLNG Monitor .
                         click here for NewsBase’s FSU Monitor .
                                                              Latin America: Permian gas to Mexico
                         GLNG: Outages and new plans          This week’s LatAmOil examines Mexico’s grow-
                         Equinor’s Melkoeya LNG terminal in Hammer-  ing importance as a market for unconventional
                         fest, Norway is expected to resume output on  and associated gas from the US Permian Basin.
                         January 1, 2021, having gone offline after it was  New pipelines are already benefiting CFE, the
                         damaged in a fire last month, the company said  national power provider, by pumping more gas
                         in a regulatory statement on October 12. The fire  to the Mexican domestic markets, and they will
                         occurred in one of the plant’s electricity-gener-  also support the establishment of new export
                         ating turbines on September 28 and was extin-  facilities capable of serving Asian and South
                         guished the same day.                American markets.
                           This is one of several LNG facilities globally   In related news, industry experts believe
                         to be dealing with an unplanned outage recently.  that Mexico’s government may have launched
                         One of the most notable is Chevron’s Gorgon  its annual oil hedging deal. Details are scarce,
                         LNG terminal in Australia, where one train  though, as Mexican officials are working hard
                         remains offline while cracks in propane heat  to keep information about the hedge secret this
                         exchangers are being repaired. The other two  year.
                         Gorgon trains are scheduled to go offline next   Further south, Ecuador’s government is hop-
                         year – though not both at the same time – and  ing to sign another oil-backed loan deal with
                         will be inspected for similar weld quality issues  China in November. According to Rene Ortiz,
                         to the ones that required repairs in Train 2.  the Minister of Energy and Non-Renewable
                           In the US, meanwhile, Cameron LNG had  Natural Resources, Quito intends to use the pro-
                         only just resumed exports, having been shut  ceeds of the $1.4bn credit to restructure some of
                         down by Hurricane Laura in late August only to  its existing debts.
                         go offline again as Hurricane Delta made land-  In Guyana, ExxonMobil (US) has extended
                         fall on the Louisiana coast. But operator Sempra  its contract with Noble Corp. (UK) for the use of
                         Energy reported on October 12 that it had sus-  a drillship known as the Noble Tom Madden at
                         tained no damage from the latest storm, adding  the Stabroek block offshore Guyana. The exten-
                         that it had been determined that it was safe to  sion, which pushes the end date of the contract
                         restart production at the plant.     back from mid-February of 2024 to mid-August
                           These outages may actually be viewed as  of 2030, follows closely on the heels of the US

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