Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 41
P. 10

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  Suncor Energy is also
                                                                                                  in discussions with
                                                                                                  Ottawa on potential
                                                                                                  investments in building
                                                                                                  small nuclear reactors
                                                                                                  that would supply
                                                                                                  power to oil sands
                                                                                                  operations and CCS

                         wealth fund pulled its investments from four oil  industry through its recent purchase of the
                         sands companies. Since then, a handful of other  Trans Mountain pipeline system in a bid to res-
                         financial institutions have announced similar  cue the expansion project. Ottawa also supports
                         moves to withdraw from the oil sands, or at least  plans to gradually reduce the emissions inten-
                         stop financing new projects in the region. The  sity of Canadian oil while still producing the
                         names involved include Mitsubishi UFJ Finan-  resource.
                         cial Group, Deutsche Bank and Robeco. Mean-  “Certainly for the coming decades, oil will
                         while, insurer Zurich has said it will not renew  continue to be used and Canada needs to
                         coverage for the Canadian government’s Trans  continue to extract value from its resources,”
                         Mountain pipeline expansion from the oil sands  Canadian Environment Minister Jonathan
                         to the British Columbia coast.       Wilkinson was quoted by Reuters as saying.
                                                              “The first step is reducing carbon intensity.”
                         Seeking support                       Ottawa has not said whether it would con-
                         Canada’s oil and gas industry had been hoping  sider granting financial aid to ventures such as
                         that efforts to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG)  the ones Suncor is pushing to receive support
                         emissions from the oil sands would bring back  for. However, it appears that such aid cannot be
                         investment, but this is not what is currently play-  ruled out.
                         ing out. They are thus having to figure out how   Suncor is also in discussions with Ottawa on  Meanwhile, the
                         to proceed when faced with reduced access to  potential investments in building small nuclear
                         capital and a market that remains highly vulner-  reactors that would supply power to oil sands   list of investors
                         able to new volatility, including as a result of new  operations and carbon capture and storage   shunning the
                         waves of COVID-19.                   (CCS) facilities, according to Hall Findlay. Spe-
                           Against this backdrop, Suncor Energy, a  cific proposals on this have not yet been put   oil sands on
                         leading oil sands producer, is pushing for the  forward, though, and such technology remains
                         Canadian government to invest in several pro-  at an early stage, which means it could be years   environmental
                         jects with environmental goals. These include  before it can be deployed in the oil sands on a
                         a C$1.4bn ($1.1bn) cogeneration scheme to  commercial basis. However, Hall Findlay said   concerns has
                         replace boilers fired by petroleum coke with  using such reactors as a power source would cut   continued to
                         natural gas. The project, which had been sus-  oil sands emissions.
                         pended by Suncor in order to conserve cash,   If Suncor is seen to be making headway with   grow.
                         would reduce the company’s emissions and dis-  such initiatives, other oil sands producers may
                         place some coal-fired power from Alberta’s grid.  pursue similar schemes. In any case, the oil
                           “Let’s collaborate. We’re not asking for a hand-  sands industry has not yet given up on trying
                         out,” Suncor’s chief sustainability officer, Martha  to find a way forward in an increasingly envi-
                         Hall Findlay, was quoted by Reuters as saying.  ronmentally conscious world. And given that
                         “It’s what do we have to do to make sure the  Ottawa continues to support Canadian resource
                         business is economically viable.”    extraction, financial backing from the govern-
                           Canada’s government has shown its will-  ment is not out of the question, especially if it
                         ingness to participate in the country’s energy  involves green initiatives.™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 41   15•October•2020
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