Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 41
P. 9

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Recovery remains

       elusive for Alberta

       Alberta’s oil output remains below what it was

       prior to the COVID-19 pandemic and the path

       forward looks increasingly challenging for the
       province’s producers

        ALBERTA          THE embattled oil and gas industry in the Cana-  out of favour as a resource on environmental
                         dian province of Alberta continues to struggle  grounds – despite the attempts by producers in
       WHAT:             to return production to levels seen at the start  the region to talk up their successes in lowering
       Alberta’s oil output   of this year. This week, Alberta Energy Minister  carbon emissions from their operations.
       remains below pre-  Sonya Savage told the Energy Intelligence Forum   Thus while Savage is right that both oil prices
       pandemic levels.  on that the province’s oil production was still  and demand need to pick up in order for the oil
                         16% below what it was before the coronavirus  sands to recover fully, there is a broader ques-
       WHY:              (COVID-19) pandemic hit.             tion over whether they will recover at all.
       The province’s oil sands   This marks a slight recovery from the peak of
       were already struggling   the downturn earlier this year, when Alberta’s  Ongoing struggle
       with low prices before   oil output was down by 22% – or 880,000 barrels  The most recent official statistics from the Cana-
       this year’s downturn.  per day (bpd) – as producers curtailed volumes  dian Centre for Energy Information show that
                         in response to collapsing crude prices.  the country produced 3.76mn bpd in July, with
       WHAT NEXT:          “It is coming back online slowly,” Savage said.  most of this coming from Alberta. However,
       Suncor Energy is courting   She added that a full recovery in Alberta’s oil  Western Canadian Select (WCS) crude was trad-
       government investment   sands would require both higher crude prices  ing at around $32 per barrel on October 9.
       in decarbonisation   and a rebound in demand in the US, which buys   While this marks a significant recovery from
       initiatives.      around 97% of Canada’s oil exports.  the low of $8 per barrel that it sank to in April, it
                           Western Canadian heavy crude trades at a  remains below the levels it was at in early Janu-
                         discount to US grades such as West Texas Inter-  ary – around $40 per barrel. And indeed, those
                         mediate, and Alberta’s producers had already  levels were not considered sufficient to spur sig-
                         been struggling since the last downturn began  nificant new investment in the oil sands either.
                         in 2014, before market conditions worsened   Meanwhile, the list of investors shunning
                         significantly this year. This has all been exac-  the oil sands on environmental concerns has
                         erbated by the oil sands increasingly falling  continued to grow. In May, Norway’s sovereign

                                                                                                  Alberta Energy Minister
                                                                                                  Sonya Savage says the
                                                                                                  province’s production is
                                                                                                  returning slowly.

       Week 41   15•October•2020                www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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