Page 14 - NorthAmOil Week 41
P. 14

NorthAmOil                                   PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

       US oil and gas operations recover from

       latest hurricane-related outages

        GULF OF MEXICO   OIL and gas production was coming back online  Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE),
                         in the US Gulf of Mexico this week following  staff from more than 280 production platforms
                         the latest weather-related disruptions, this time  and drilling rigs were evacuated ahead of Delta’s
                         caused by Hurricane Delta.           arrival in the region, causing 91.7% of Gulf oil
                           The storm also disrupted onshore operations  production and 62.4% of gas production to go
                         at refineries and other facilities when it made  offline.
                         landfall in Louisiana on October 9 as a Category   As of October 14, staff from around 57 pro-
                         2 hurricane. It comes after certain downstream  duction platforms, or 8.9% of the manned plat-
                         facilities were shut down by Hurricane Laura in  forms in the Gulf, remained evacuated, while
                         late August, in some cases sustaining damage  30.7% of oil and 18.0% of gas output remained
                         that delayed restart efforts.        shut in.
                           Reuters reported sources familiar with the   The 2020 Atlantic hurricane season is already
                         situation as saying that Total’s 225,500 barrel per  the second most active in recent history and only
                         day refinery lost power as a result of Delta, while  three more named storms are needed to match
                         Valero Energy’s 335,000 bpd facility lost a cool-  the record set in 2005. For Gulf oil producers,
                         ing tower and Motiva Enterprises shut a small  this comes during a year of unprecedented vola-
                         unit at its 607,000 bpd refinery.    tility caused by a short-lived Saudi Arabia-Rus-
                           Offshore, meanwhile, Hurricane Delta was  sia price war and significantly exacerbated by the
                         the latest in a series of storms to cause evacu-  coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. And while
                         ations of manned platforms in the Gulf after  there have been hopes that disruptions to out-
                         Hurricanes Laura and Sally and other storms.  put in the Gulf would help to prop up oil prices,
                         Indeed, Delta passed through the heart of deep-  this does not appear to be playing out, with West
                         water oil and gas operations, causing more off-  Texas Intermediate (WTI) still hovering around
                         shore disruption. According to the US Bureau of  $40 per barrel.™

       Diamondback’s third-quarter

       update shows output bottoming

        PERMIAN BASIN    DIAMONDBACK Energy released an opera-  2020,” Diamondback’s CEO, Travis Stice, stated.
                         tional update on its third-quarter performance  “We exited the quarter with no balance on our
                         this week. The results show that the company’s  revolving credit facility, implying true free cash
                         production fell slightly to 287,300 barrels of oil  flow [FCF] generation in the third quarter.”
                         equivalent per day compared with 294,100 boepd   Stice added that while recovery on an indus-
                         in the second quarter of the year. Within this, oil  try-wide level was important, he did not think
                         output dropped from 176,300 barrels per day in  the concept of production growth should be
                         the second quarter to 170,000 bpd in the third.  discussed “until commodity prices recover and
                           Diamondback said the third quarter marked  global inventories return to normalised levels”.
                         production bottoming out, but added that it  He warned of the impact shale producers can
                         was expected to rise again slightly in the fourth  have on the global oil market, adding that this
                         quarter thanks to the company’s efforts to stem  market is currently oversupplied.
                         declines and stabilise its production base. It also   “As such, if North American producers
                         noted that it had ramped up activity again in the  decide to grow again, even at mid-single-digit
                         third quarter after carrying out “minimal” com-  rates, we will magnify the issues our industry
                         pletion activity in the second quarter amid the  is fighting today and face repercussions from
                         collapse in oil prices.              other global producers,” Stice said. “Should the
                           The producer anticipates achieving its  investment community reward companies tout-
                         fourth-quarter output target of 170,000-175,000  ing growth, other producers are going to follow
                         bpd.                                 suit, and this downturn will carry on longer. To
                           “This production level is the proposed base-  that end, we will consider appropriately growing
                         line for our future activity plans, and we antic-  production again should the global oil market
                         ipate we can hold this production flat in 2021  call on growth through a price signal, but that
                         while spending 25-35% less capital than in  day is not today.”™

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 41   15•October•2020
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