Page 18 - NorthAmOil Week 41
P. 18

NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       Energy Transfer announces           collaboration to advance research and design   which controls both the surface and
                                                                                  The filing marks a milestone for GCS,
                                           of carbon-neutral facilities for the upstream
       executive management                oil and natural gas market. The three   subsurface rights for a large, contiguous
                                                                                landholding in southwest Louisiana. The
                                           companies will combine their capabilities
       changes                             and resources to explore and develop a proof   permit application comes after years of
                                           of concept based on an offshore platform
                                                                                comprehensive data collection and analysis
       Dallas-based Energy Transfer announced   reference case. The result of the collaboration   which determined that the area’s geologic pore
       today that long-time Energy Transfer   will be published in a joint study on net zero   space is ideally suited to build and operate a
       executives Mackie McCrea and Tom Long   upstream facilities before the end of the year.  world-class carbon sequestration project.
       have been named as co-chief executive   The study defines a hierarchy of emissions-  GULF COAST SEQUESTRATION, October 13,
       officers, effective January 1, 2021. Energy   reduction technologies, ranked by maturity,   2020
       Transfer co-founder Kelcy Warren will remain   investment and impact to enable operators to
       as executive chairman of Energy Transfer and   make informed decisions when prioritising   Neste, Twin Rivers Unified
       chairman of the board of directors. As co-  areas for emissions reduction.
       CEOs, McCrea and Long will work together in   “This unique venture demonstrates the   School District transform
       the manner of an “Office of the CEO” and will   valuable intersection of thought leadership,
       jointly direct the business of the partnership.   digital innovation and project excellence   school buses from fossil
       Warren will continue to be actively involved   to advance the energy transition across the
       in the strategic direction of the partnership.  globe,” said Samik Mukherjee, McDermott’s   fuel to fossil free
         McCrea first joined the partnership in 1997  Group Senior Vice President, Projects. “By
       as senior vice president business development.   combining our individual strengths, we will   The Twin Rivers Unified School District near
       Since that time he has served in a number   deliver solutions that enable our customers   Sacramento achieved a major milestone in its
       of leadership roles including group chief   to accelerate the industry-shared goal of   climate action plan by switching 75 diesel-
       operating officer and chief commercial officer   reducing carbon impact throughout the   powered school buses to run on renewable
       of Energy Transfer Operating, and most   production chain.”              diesel fuel provided by Neste. As a result, the
       recently as president and chief commercial   The programme directly supports a   district’s fleet is now fully fossil free and one
       officer of Energy Transfer. McCrea also serves   significant carbon footprint reduction within   of the cleanest in the country. Because Neste
       on the Energy Transfer board of directors.  the production and transformation of oil and   MY Renewable Diesel is a drop-in fuel, Twin
         Long has served as the partnership’s chief   gas, which, according to the International   Rivers was able to achieve this remarkable
       financial officer since February of 2016. Prior   Energy Agency, is about 15% of the entire oil   milestone practically overnight.
       to assuming this role, he served for five years   and gas carbon footprint.  “Yesterday, our fleet of diesel-powered
       as executive vice president and chief financial   MCDERMOTT INTERNATIONAL, SCHNEIDER   school buses were contributing to air pollution
       officer of Regency Energy Partners, which was   ELECTRIC AND IO CONSULTING, October 08,   and climate change,” said Timothy Shannon,
       acquired by Energy Transfer in 2010. Before   2020                       Twin Rivers USD director of transportation.
       that, he held leadership positions with Matrix                           “Now, they are helping fight these two big
       Service Company and DCP Midstream   Gulf Coast Sequestration             problems. All it took for us to start creating
       Partners, among others. Long also serves on                              a healthier, more sustainable future for the
       the boards of directors of Energy Transfer and   makes initial filing to obtain   children and communities served by Twin
       Sunoco LP, and is chairman of the Board of                               Rivers was to switch from fossil to renewable
       USA Compression Partners.           EPA permit for CCS Project           diesel – probably one of the easiest decisions
         Warren, who has been a leader in the                                   we’ve ever had to make.”
       energy industry for more than 40 years,   Gulf Coast Sequestration (GCS) today   Twin Rivers USD, the 28th largest school
       co-founded Energy Transfer in 1996 with   announced that the company has initiated   district in California with 26,000 students,
       approximately 200 miles of natural gas   the process for obtaining a Class VI   has been on a journey to “green” its school
       pipelines and 20 employees. Today, Energy   Underground Injection Control permit   bus fleet. Last year, the school district
       Transfer is an international company with   from the U.S. Environmental Protection   started using electric buses. Now, by simply
       the largest and most diversified portfolio of   Agency (EPA) by filing a detailed technical   changing fuel types, Twin Rivers will realize
       energy assets in the United States.  submission to delineate its “area of review.”   an 80% reduction in lifecycle greenhouse gas
       ENERGY TRANSFER, October 08, 2020   This is a significant step in the company’s   emissions from its remaining fleet of diesel-
                                           effort to build and operate the country’s   powered buses.
                                           premier carbon sequestration project, which   Neste, its distributor Van De Pol Petroleum
       ENERGY TRANSITION                   is designed to permanently store more   and Twin Rivers established a long-term
                                           than 80mn tons of carbon in deep geologic   contract to fuel all of the diesel-powered
       McDermott, Schneider                formations.                          school buses with Neste MY Renewable
                                                                                Diesel. Importantly, switching to renewable
                                              Once completed, the GCS “hub” is
       Electric and io consulting          expected to be the largest geologic carbon   diesel did not cost the school district – or
                                           capture sequestration (CCS) project in the US
                                                                                tax payers – anything extra. Alongside the
       join forces to develop net          and one of the largest in the world. With the   environmental benefits, Twin Rivers can
                                                                                also expect to see superior performance and
                                           capacity to sequester 2,700,000 tons of CO?
       zero upstream facilities            annually, it will be equivalent to removing   reduced maintenance costs.
                                           about 600,000 passenger vehicles from the
                                                                                NESTE, October 08, 2020
       McDermott International, Schneider Electric   road every year or the equivalent annual
       and io consulting today announced a   carbon avoided from 2,000 wind turbines.

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 41   15•October•2020
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