Page 17 - NorthAmOil Week 41
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

                                                                                Lease Option Agreement in place with the
                                                                                Lake Charles Harbor and Terminal District.
                                                                                Magnolia LNG is permitted to receive natural
                                                                                gas through the existing Kinder Morgan
                                                                                Louisiana Pipeline and will pretreat, liquefy
                                                                                and store the LNG onsite for domestic use
                                                                                and export. Magnolia LNG will utilize the
                                                                                patented OSMR® liquefaction technology, a
                                                                                low-cost, highly efficient process configured
                                                                                to generate lower greenhouse gas (GHG)
                                                                                emissions than other conventional LNG
       These agreements provide increased financial   In parallel to the FEED the parties   Glenfarne has two operating subsidiaries:
       flexibility with a limited financial obligation of   have developed a term sheet for a lump-  Alder Midstream, which focuses on building,
       a revenue guarantee on a fraction of its initial   sum, turnkey engineering, procurement,   owning, and operating midstream and LNG
       capacity rights.                    construction, integration and commissioning   assets, and EnfraGen, a developer, owner,
       OVINTIV, October 13, 2020           contract (LSTK EPCIC) as basis for the   and operator of specialised power generation
                                           development of a fully termed agreement.  assets. Glenfarne’s total LNG export capacity
                                           DELFIN MIDSTREAM, October 11, 2020   is approximately 12.8 mtpa: 8.8 mtpa from
       DOWNSTREAM                                                               Magnolia LNG and 4.0 mtpa from Texas LNG
                                                                                Brownsville, a FERC-permitted LNG export
       Delfin announces                    Glenfarne’s Magnolia                 development project in Brownsville, Texas,
                                           LNG receives FERC permit
                                                                                majority-owned by Alder Midstream.
       completion of FEED for the          extension                            GLENFARNE GROUP, October 08, 2020
       Delfin newbuild FLNG vessel         Glenfarne Group, an investor, developer,   MOVES

       Today Delfin Midstream is pleased to   owner, and operator of energy and
       announce the completion of FEED for the   infrastructure assets, announced today that   Annapolis Capital
       newbuild FLNG Vessel of 3.5 mtpa nameplate   its recently acquired Magnolia LNG export
       capacity for the Delfin LNG project in co-  terminal development project located in Lake   announces the combination
       operation with Samsung Heavy Industries and   Charles, LA has received a five-year permit
       Black & Veatch.                     extension from the Federal Energy Regulatory   of Tyrannex Energy and
         The tripartite co-operation has been   Commission (FERC). Per the extension,
       successful in developing a robust, low cost   Magnolia LNG will begin operations of the   Tempus Energy to create
       and efficient FLNG vessel design for the   terminal by April 15, 2026. At the same time,
       project. The FEED results together with the   FERC also extended the permit for the Kinder   well-capitalised Alberta
       overall project development activities enable   Morgan pipeline that will supply feed gas to
       the company to execute the project for a total   Magnolia LNG.           light oil producer Amicus
       capital cost of around $550/tpa.       “At 8.8mn tonnes per annum from a four
         Each FLNG vessel can be developed   train mid-scale design, we believe Magnolia   Petroleum
       independently, with its own commercial and   LNG has the right size and scope to best
       financial structure, which allows Delfin to   compete in the current and future LNG   Annapolis Capital is pleased to announce
       be at the lower end of the global LNG cost   market and is well-positioned to meet global   the merger of two of its portfolio companies,
       curve combined with the absolute lowest FID   demand starting in the middle of this decade,”   Tyrannex Energy and Tempus Energy, to
       threshold of 2.0-2.5 mtpa firm offtake.  said Brendan Duval, Founder and Managing   form Amicus Petroleum. The merger creates
         The Delfin newbuild FLNG vessel design   Partner of Glenfarne. “Our LNG customers   an Alberta-focused, high netback, light oil
       uses the latest gas turbine technology,   will transact with Magnolia LNG knowing   producer with current production capability
       optimisations of the Black & Veatch’s patented   they will receive LNG from one of the   of approximately 1,350 boepd (75% oil and
       PRICO® liquefaction technology, direct air   lowest-cost, most reliable, and most efficient   NGLs) and a pristine balance sheet. The
       cooling and waste-heat recovery to achieve   terminals on the US Gulf Coast.”  Company’s blend of longer life, low decline
       maximum fuel efficiency and minimal (GHG)   “Coming only a few months after our   assets and high impact, quick payout drilling
       emissions.                          acquisition of Magnolia LNG, this extension   opportunities position it well to both weather
         Each vessel will be equipped with two   approval is an important early milestone in   the current low oil pricing environment and
       offloading facilities to service both large,   our development plan, and it underscores   return to growth when oil prices strengthen.
       ocean-going carriers as well as the regional   our focused commitment and belief in the   In addition, with cash on hand (no debt) and
       demand for LNG bunkering and small-scale   project,” said Vlad Bluzer, Managing Director   a call on additional capital from Annapolis,
       carriers. With ultimately four FLNG vessels   of Glenfarne and President of Magnolia LNG   Amicus is uniquely positioned to pursue
       in operation, the project will have 4 berths   Holdings.                 further consolidation activity in the current
       for 13 mtpa, which provides an unmatched   Magnolia LNG sits on a 115-acre project   distressed market environment.
       operational flexibility to service the bunkering   site on the Industrial Canal near Lake Charles   ANNAPOLIS CAPITAL, October 14, 2020
       and small-scale market.             in Southwest Louisiana and has a long-term

       Week 41   15•October•2020                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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