Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 41
P. 13

NorthAmOil                           PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                       NorthAmOil

       Some Mountain Valley construction to resume

        US NORTHEAST     THE US Federal Energy Regulatory Commis-  lower court’s decision on the matter. Indeed,
                         sion (FERC) has given Equitrans Midstream  Mountain Valley is set to cross the trail in the Jef-
                         permission to resume some construction on the  ferson National Forest.
                         Mountain Valley pipeline from Virginia to West   Despite that ruling and the new FERC deci-
                         Virginia.                            sion, however, questions remain over whether
                           This comes after the FERC suspended work  Equitrans will be able to complete the pipeline
                         on Mountain Valley a year ago owing to litigation  by early 2021 as previously planned. The com-
                         over a permit from the US Fish and Wildlife Ser-  pany said this week it would evaluate the cost
                         vice (FWS), which allows construction in areas  and timing of Mountain Valley’s completion
                         inhabited by endangered and threatened species.  based on ongoing litigation and upcoming fed-
                           The FWS issued a new approval in early Sep-  eral approvals.
                         tember, but environmental and other opposition   “We acknowledge the legal challenge that is
                         groups are continuing to challenge this, along  currently before Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals
                         with other federal permits, in court.  and have agreed to temporarily delay stream and
                           Despite the ongoing litigation – which is to  waterbody activities out of respect for that pro-
                         be expected by most pipeline operators as they  cess,” Equitrans said.
                         build new infrastructure – more than one regu-  And analysts at Height Capital Markets said
                         latory and legal development has gone in Moun-  they now expected the project to enter service in
                         tain Valley’s favour recently. In June, the US  mid-2021 but warned that this could slip to the
                         Supreme Court issued a ruling that pertained to  third quarter of 2021 if legal challenges held up
                         the since-cancelled Atlantic Coast pipeline, but  certain planned stream crossings.
                         which was described as good news for Mountain   The pipeline was last estimated to cost $5.4bn
                         Valley as well. The ruling gives federal regulators  but Equitrans warned back in June that costs may
                         the authority to grant rights of way for pipelines  rise above this as a result of legal decisions and
                         to cross the Appalachian Trail, overturning a  regulatory changes.™

       ConocoPhillips reportedly in

       talks to take over Concho

        US               ACCORDING to a Bloomberg report, Cono-  acquisition of the year to date if it goes ahead,
                         coPhillips is in talks to acquire shale producer  overtaking the recently closed merger between
                         Concho Resources, with a deal potentially com-  Chevron and Noble Energy.
                         ing in the next few weeks.             Comments earlier this year by ConocoPhil-
                           The news service cited people familiar with  lips’ CEO, Ryan Lance, have suggested that the
                         the matter as saying that no final decision had  company is on the lookout for potential acquisi-
                         yet been made and the talks could still fall  tions, encouraged by the low premiums on offer.
                         through. Bloomberg added that representatives   “We’re looking at asset deals, we’re looking at
                         for ConocoPhillips and Concho could not be  corporate deals, we look across the board,” Lance
                         reached immediately for comment, implying  said in July.
                         that its sources were not from either of the com-  Analysts at JP Morgan Chase & Co. said in
                         panies. Efforts by other media outlets to confirm  a note that a merger between the two compa-
                         the news have also come to nothing, though a  nies would make “strategic and financial sense”,
                         ConocoPhillips spokesman told the Midland  and that acquiring Concho would be accretive
                         Reporter-Telegram that the company does not  on most metrics and provide “critical mass” to
                         comment on “market rumours”.         ConocoPhillips’ position in the Permian Basin.
                           However, the report comes as consolida-  And RS Energy Group, part of Enverus, com-
                         tion appears to be picking up in the US oil and  mented that a deal between ConocoPhillips and
                         gas industry, including among shale players.  Concho would stand out compared to recent
                         Indeed, if a deal is announced, it would be a  corporate transactions thanks to its “large-scale
                         major bet on shale for ConocoPhillips, which  exposure to high-quality, undeveloped shale oil
                         has both conventional and unconventional  resource”.
                         operations.                            Concho has drilling rights across roughly
                           Concho has an enterprise value of $13.4bn,  800,000 gross acres (3,237 square km) in the
                         according to data cited by Bloomberg. This  Permian, according to a September investor
                         would make it the biggest oil and gas company  presentation.™

       Week 41   15•October•2020                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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