Page 16 - NorthAmOil Week 41
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       UPSTREAM                            debt reduction while delivering differentiated   Ring Energy provides
                                           shareholder value,” continued Way.
       Southwestern Energy                 SOUTHWESTERN ENERGY, October 08, 2020  update on sale of its

       announces reaffirmation of  Panhandle Oil and Gas                        Delaware Basin acreage
       credit facility and approved  announces closing of                       Ring Energy provided today an update on
                                                                                the sale of its Delaware Basin asset located in
       increase upon closing of            acquisitions in the core of          Culberson and Reeves counties, Texas.
                                                                                  Ring management stated that the buyer
       acquisition                         the SCOOP and Haynesville            has requested an extension to October 29,
                                                                                2020, and, as a show of good faith, has wired
       Southwestern Energy today announced its   plays                          the company an additional non-refundable
       borrowing base was reaffirmed at $1.8bn                                  $1mn. The company went on to say that the
       during its fall semi-annual redetermination.   Panhandle Oil and Gas, today announced   on-going conversations with the buyer and
       Additionally, upon the close of the Montage   that it has closed the previously announced   the additional wired funds has continued to
       Resources acquisition, the company’s   purchase of two mineral and royalty packages   provide management with a heightened level
       borrowing base and bank commitments   in Grady County, Oklahoma, and Panola and   of confidence that the transaction will close by
       will increase to $2.0bn, with asset coverage   Harrison Counties, Texas, from Red Stone   the end of the month, however management
       exceeding the company’s borrowing base level.  Resources for approximately $5.5mn in cash   has made it clear there will be no further
         “The recent supportive actions by our   and 153,375 shares of Panhandle common   extensions.
       bank group in this challenging market are   stock, which are subject to the customary   As stated previously, the proceeds from the
       further evidence of our financial strength   closing adjustments. Panhandle is entitled to   sale will be used to reduce the outstanding
       and the positive reception of our acquisition   the cash flow from production attributable to   balance on the company’s senior credit facility.
       of Montage Resources. We sincerely value   the acquisitions beginning on and after June   RING ENERGY, October 08, 2020
       the strong relationships with our bank   1, 2020.
       group and appreciate the confidence that   Chad L. Stephens, president and CEO,
       the participating banks demonstrated in us   commented: “The closing of the Red Stone   MIDSTREAM
       throughout the process with their increased   acquisitions is another important milestone
       commitments,” said Bill Way, Southwestern   for Panhandle in a challenging market as   Ovintiv Announces Start-Up
       Energy president and chief executive officer.  we continue our transition to a company
         “Our existing deep inventory of premium,   focused on minerals. As 2020 draws to a   of Pipestone Processing
       Tier 1 locations in Appalachia supplemented   close and we start looking toward 2021, I am
       by the high-quality assets of Montage,   optimistic about the other opportunities in the   Facility
       provide us with expanded asset coverage   market place and look forward to Panhandle
       above our borrowing base. The acquisition   continuing to be a consolidator in the mineral   Ovintiv today announced the start-up of the
       and associated capital market transactions   space.”                     Pipestone Processing Facility (PPF), a natural
       further enhance the financial resilience of   PANHANDLE OIL AND GAS, October 12, 2020  gas processing and liquids stabilization plant
       Southwestern Energy and solidify our path                                supporting the Company’s high-return,
       to meaningful free cash flow generation and                              condensate-rich Montney development.
                                                                                Ovintiv managed the PPF’s design and
                                                                                construction and delivered its start-up more
                                                                                than five months ahead of its original schedule
                                                                                and at budgeted costs.
                                                                                  The start-up of the PPF provides Ovintiv
                                                                                with additional net processing capacity of
                                                                                approximately 170 mmcf per day of natural
                                                                                gas and 19,000 bpd of liquids, primarily
                                                                                condensate. The start-up of the PPF required
                                                                                no new drilling to satisfy new capacity
                                                                                arrangements. The facility allows Ovintiv to
                                                                                maximize its existing volumes and optimise
                                                                                midstream fees by routing production to
                                                                                gathering systems with lower line pressures,
                                                                                as well as the capacity to grow its Pipestone
                                                                                Montney resources.
                                                                                  The PPF, which is owned by Keyera
                                                                                Partnership, a subsidiary of Keyera Corp.,
                                                                                provides Ovintiv with processing under a “fee-
                                                                                for-service” midstream agreement. Ovintiv
                                                                                has successfully employed this development
                                                                                model in other recent midstream expansions.

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 41   15•October•2020
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