Page 14 - LatAmOil Week 33 2022
P. 14

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

                                           of Environmental Clearance application for
       PERFORMANCE                         development operations in the Cascadura area
                                           will be made by September 15, 2022.
       Touchstone announces                “This quarter represents the end of an era for the
                                              Paul Baay, President and CEO, commented:
       Q2-2022 financial and               Company as a pure crude oil producer in Trin-
                                           idad with the next quarter seeing a transition to
       operating results                   a combination of oil and natural gas production
                                           from our Coho-1 gas well. Our team has main-
       Touchstone Exploration has reported its oper-  tained base production while remaining focused
       ating and financial results for the three and six  on our Coho and Cascadura projects, including
       months ended June 30, 2022.         associated commissioning operations and reg-
         Q2-2022 Financial and Operational High-  ulatory approvals, which are both progressing.
       lights: Achieved quarterly average crude oil pro-  Our Trinidad team successfully implemented  the Company intends to extend that work across
       duction volumes of 1,420 barrels per day (bpd),  our emergency response plan in response to  the main prospects identified in the eastern half
       representing a 2% increase relative to the preced-  the vandalism at Fyzabad, which had a mini-  of Licence PL001. The Company believes this
       ing quarter and a 1% increase from the 1,402 bpd  mal impact to the environment and residents  additional work should further de-risk those
       produced in the second quarter of 2021.  affected in the area but resulted in reclamation  prospects and enhance the farmout potential of
         Realised petroleum sales of $12.596mn from  costs, which we fully accrued for in the quarter.  the Licence.
       an average crude oil price of $97.48 per barrel  We will continue to complete the restoration   Financial overview: The Group loss for the
       compared to petroleum sales of $7.586mn from  required and work with our insurance provider  six months to June 30, 2022, was $105,000 (2021:
       an average realised price of $59.06 per barrel in  to identify any costs that may be recoverable  loss of $200,000) giving an undiluted loss per
       the comparative quarter of 2021.    under our policy.”                   share of $0.0004 (2021: $0.0009 loss per share).
         Generated an operating netback of $44.99   Touchstone Exploration, August 11 2022  Administrative expenses were $90,000, com-
       per barrel, a 19% increase from the first quarter                        pared to $205,000 for the same period in 2021.
       of 2022 and a 71% increase from the $26.30 per   Argos Resources         Net assets of $29.3mn is a decrease of $105,000
       barrel reported in the second quarter of 2021.                           since December 2021 as a result of the loss for
         Recognised current income tax expenses   announces 2022 interim        the period.
       of $1.547mn in the quarter compared to                                     Financial outlook: In June 2022 Argos’ Chair-
       $432,000 in the second quarter of 2021, driven   financial results       man agreed to fund a drawdown loan facility of
       by $1.043mn in supplemental petroleum tax                                GBP110,000 to provide short-term financial
       expenses based on our average realised oil price  AIM-listed Argos Resources, the Falkland  support to the Company. Any offer of a licence
       exceeding the $75.00 per barrel threshold in  Islands based company focused on the North  extension is likely to be conditional on the Com-
       2022.                               Falkland Basin, has announced its interim  pany demonstrating that it has sufficient fund-
         Our funds flow from operations was  financial results for the six months ended June  ing to carry out a work programme and cover
       $1.133mn in the quarter, which was net of  30, 2022.                     administration costs during the Licence term.
       $540,000 accrued for reclamation costs related   Highlights: $105,000 loss for the period (H1-  The granting of an extension is therefore likely
       to the previously announced oil spill which  2021: loss of $200,000); $132,000 cash reserves  to be dependent on the Company raising signif-
       occurred as a result of vandalism in June 2022.  at June 30 2022 (YE-2021: $304,000); The cur-  icant further funds in Q3-2022 or Q4-2022. In
         Recognised a net loss of $262,000 in the quar-  rent Second Phase of the Licence was extended  order to continue as a going concern, the Com-
       ter compared to a net loss of $284,000 reported in  until December 2022; A loan provided by the  pany will need to raise further finance.
       the same period of 2021, reflecting the $540,000  Chairman in June 2022 provides additional   Argos Resources, August 15 2022
       provision for oil spill reclamation costs.  working capital and the Company plans to raise
         Capital investments of $3.368mn primarily  additional capital to support a further extension   President Energy
       focused on facility and pipeline expenditures  of the Licence beyond its current expiry date of
       related to the Coho-1 facility and investments  December 31, 2022; and Ownership changes   announces H1-2022
       directed to the Cascadura natural gas facility.  in the adjacent Sea Lion oilfield and surging oil
         Exited the quarter with cash of $9.425mn, a  prices enhance outlook for the Company.  Argentina financial results
       working capital surplus of $346,000 and $30mn   Chairman’s statement and Managing Direc-
       drawn on our term credit facility, resulting in a  tor’s review: The Company’s PL001 Licence  AIM-listed President Energy has announced
       net debt position of $23.654mn.     currently expires on December 31, 2022. The  key highlights from the independently reviewed
         Post Period-End Highlights: Daily crude oil  Company has submitted a formal application to  results from the first six months of the year to
       sales averaged 1,303 bpd in July 2022 with a real-  extend the Licence by a further two years beyond  June 20, 2022, in Argentina in accordance with
       ised price of $89.52 per barrel.    this date to December 31, 2024, to undertake  Argentine reporting rules.
         Preparation for Coho gas facility and pipeline  new technical work and to market the results   H1-2022 Argentina Financial Results: Pur-
       pre-commissioning operations is underway,  of that work to potential industry partners.  suant to the Mini-Bond issued last year and
       which will be followed by system commission-  The technical work planned involves special  announced in November 2021 and extended
       ing operations to introduce natural gas from the  reprocessing of some of the 3D seismic data  earlier this year, President’s Argentina subsidi-
       Coho-1 well into the facility and pipeline.  on Licence PL001. The results of a pilot study  ary, President Petroleum SA (PPSA) as stated in
         Received confirmation from the Trinidad  undertaken in 2021 to determine the effective-  the Company’s announcement on May 13, 2022,
       and Tobago Environmental Management  ness of the special processing technique have  the Company is obliged to file auditor reviewed
       Authority that determination of our Certificate  been positive and sufficiently encouraging that  results in Argentina for each calendar quarter.

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 33   17•August•2022
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