Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 33 2022
P. 15

LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       The results of PPSA for H1-2022 have been  120 tonnes bollard pull strong SD Honour will  Production, Storage and Offloading vessel
       reviewed by Crowe, the President Group  join the fleet of dedicated offshore terminal tugs  (FPSO) for about $2.9bn.
       auditors and are today filed with the relevant  supporting the two Floating Production, Storage   Scheduled for completion in H1-2026, the
       Argentine authorities. The results have been  and Off-loading units (FPSOs) offshore Guyana  P-80 is the second FPSO that Keppel O&M will
       determined under Argentine GAAP rules. Such  with static tow, push-pull duties and general  be building for Petrobras for the Buzios field in
       filing does not relate to President Group as a  offshore support to very large crude carriers  Brazil. The first FPSO, P-78, is currently under
       whole, only PPSA. The difference in accounting  (VLCCs) taking offload cargo from the FPSOs.  construction by Keppel Shipyard. The P-80 is
       standards will produce anomalies in the various   KOTUG International has been supporting  structured on progressive milestone payments
       versions of the accounts.           EEPGL since October 2021 with the state-of-  and will be cash-flow neutral during its execu-
         The H1-2022 Argentina Financial Report,  the-art and unique Offshore Terminal tug SD  tion lifecycle. It would add over SGD4bn to Kep-
       converted from Argentine Pesos into US Dollars  Power, marking KOTUG’s first operation in  pel O&M’s orderbook.
       shows inter alia: Turnover in excess of $18mn.  South America.             The P-80 will be one of the largest floating
       President is currently projecting turnover in   “The addition of the SD Honour to KOTUG’s  production units in the world with a production
       Argentina for the full year in excess of $40mn.  operations is a reflection of KOTUG’s high val-  capacity of 225,000 barrels of oil per day (bpd
       The results do not include any beneficial impact  ues and standards with regards to safe oper-  of oil), water injection capacity of 250,000 bpd,
       from the successful new wells in Salta.  ations, teamwork and maritime excellence.  12mn cubic metres per day of gas processing and
         These are expected to positively impact  Strengthened by the outstanding performance  a storage capacity of 2mn barrels of oil. When
       results in H2-2022. Profit before tax for H1-2022  of the crew onboard the SD Power, we are proud  completed, the P-80 will be on par with the larg-
       of $8.1mn                           to be able to contribute to the rapid growth of  est oil producing platforms in Brazil.
         During H1-2022 the average oil reference  EEPGL’s operations and continue our pleasant   Chris Ong, CEO of Keppel O&M, said, “We
       price in Rio Negro for domestic sales was $58.89  and transparent working relationship. With our  are pleased to be selected by Petrobras for a
       per barrel. Currently the reference price for  expertise and large fleet of Offshore Support  repeat order of yet another landmark FPSO ves-
       domestic sales in Argentina is $65 per barrel.  Vessels, we can support offshore floating projects  sel, which reaffirms our capabilities as the pre-
         During H1-2022 President exported part  that emerge in response to rising energy demand  ferred development partner for complex turnkey
       of its production on three occasions and par-  at short notice,” says Ard-Jan Kooren, CEO and  projects. By leveraging our strong EPC capabil-
       tial export of production has continued into  President of KOTUG International.  ities and network of yards, as well as teaming up
       Q3 2022. The full half year accounts according   KOTUG, August 2 2022    with leading industry specialists, we have been
       to UK standards is expected to be announced                              able to offer a win-win solution that is both cost
       before the end of September.        Keppel O&M wins $2.9bn               effective for our customer and profitable for Kep-
         Peter Levine, Chair, commented: “These                                 pel O&M and our partners.
       results in Argentina achieved with the majority   newbuild FPSO P-80       “Our first such project for the Buzios field,
       of oil sold at domestic prices demonstrate the                           the P-78, is being built on this operating model.
       health and robust nature of President’s opera-  contract from Petrobras  It is progressing on track with its schedule and
       tions. With the impact of the increased produc-                          within budget, and has been contributing to
       tion in Salta we are now engaged to optimised  Keppel Offshore & Marine (Keppel O&M)’s  Keppel O&M’s earnings. Drawing from our
       results in the second period of this year as well as  wholly owned subsidiary, Keppel Shipyard,  experience with the P-78, we are confident that
       the other activities of President and its evolving  has won an international tender from Brazil’s  we can further enhance the efficiency and eco-
       nature of the Group as previously announced  National Oil Company, Petroleo Brasileiro  nomics of the P-80, as well as generate a substan-
       including its 28% interest in Atome, its new  (Petrobras), for the engineering, procurement  tial amount of work in Brazil with thousands of
       Alternative Energy sub-group Green House  and construction (EPC) of P-80, a Floating  jobs for the country.”
       Capital and the steps towards Lithium previ-
       ously announced.”
         Note: Profit before tax means, in the context
       of this report alone, profit after interest, income
       and foreign exchange operations but before tax,
       depreciation and amortisation.
       President Energy, August 12 2022

       KOTUG to provide

       additional support to

       operations in Guyana

       KOTUG Guyana Inc. (100% local subsidiary of
       KOTUG International BV) has been awarded a
       second contract by Esso Exploration and Pro-
       duction Guyana Ltd (EEPGL) to support opera-
       tions in Guyana. KOTUG’s latest additions, the

       Week 33   17•August•2022                 www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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