Page 16 - LatAmOil Week 33 2022
P. 16

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       Keppel O&M will harness its global network
       of yards, offices and partners to undertake the
       project execution. The design and engineering
       will be carried out through its centres in Singa-
       pore, Brazil, China and India. The fabrication of
       the topside modules which weigh about 47,000
       tonnes in total will be spread across its facilities
       in Singapore, China and Brazil, with the integra-
       tion and commissioning works to be completed
       in Singapore. Construction of the hull and
       accommodation will be carried out by CIMC
       Raffles in China. Keppel O&M will also under-
       take the final phase of offshore commissioning
       works when the FPSO arrives at the Buzios field.
         Petrobras operates the world’s largest carbon
       capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) pro-
       gramme. The P-80, along with the P-78 FPSO,
       will incorporate green features such as carbon
       capture and reinjection of carbon back into  lines. With the onshore engineering already well  Kleven in Norway. The assignment consists of
       the reservoir where it is stored. Both FPSOs are  underway, offshore operations are due to run for  converting two PSV offshore vessels for opera-
       designed to maximise carbon reinjection and  three weeks from late August 2022. The offshore  tions with ROV and offshore crane.
       minimise the need for gas flaring.  work will utilise up to three of Maersk Supply   “Securing this contract gave us a nice and
         In addition to CCUS, the P-80 will also be  Service’s anchor handling vessels to hold the  happy start after the holidays,” says Hans Jørgen
       outfitted with energy recovery systems for ther-  FPSO on station and perform subsea operations.  Fedog, CEO of Green Yard Kleven.
       mal energy, waste heat and gas, as well as seawa-  This will be the third time Maersk Supply   After the conversion, the ships will operate in
       ter deaeration to reduce the consumption of fuel  Service supports Shell Brasil on the FPSO Flu-  Brazil in deep water. Brazilian Oceanica special-
       and the carbon emissions of the vessel.  minense’s mooring lines, having completed a  ises in inspection, intervention, and monitoring
         Ong added: “As a leader in providing sus-  station-keeping assignment during the emer-  of underwater structures offshore.
       tainable offshore energy and infrastructure  gency removal of a Gas Lift Riser earlier this   The ships in question have recently been
       assets, Keppel O&M is glad to be able to support  year, and provided mooring lines life extension  purchased by Oceanica. One is already at Green
       Petrobras in reducing the carbon emissions of  solutions in 2019. Once the project is completed,  Yard Kleven, and the other will arrive at the ship-
       the P-80 and P-78. Our partnership with Petro-  Maersk Supply Service will have either replaced  yard in the next few days. The two ships have
       bras in their decarbonisation journey over the  or maintained each one of the mooring lines  Marin Teknikk design MT6009.
       years includes work on four other FPSO projects,  holding the FPSO Fluminense in place.  “The contract was drawn up in close collab-
       which showcase various innovative sustainabil-  “We are very pleased that Shell Brasil have  oration with Marin Teknikk AS, and they will
       ity features, and we look forward to build on our  once again shown this trust in Maersk Supply  now work with design and engineering on the
       strong track record of delivering high quality  Service, and we will continue to work hard to  retrofit project. Over the years, the shipyard has
       vessels to them.”                   deliver high-quality service and safe operations  built dozens of ships in collaboration with Marin
         Keppel O&M has delivered a significant  for our client,” says Rafael Thome, Managing  Teknikk, and we appreciate that our good collab-
       number of projects for Brazil and Petrobras over  Director for Brazil at Maersk Supply Service.  oration continues,” says Karl Johan Barstad, Sales
       the years, which includes FPSOs, production   Maersk Supply Service continues to con-  Manager Retrofit in Green Yard Kleven.
       platforms, Floating Storage and Regasification  solidate its presence in Brazil, both through its   Green Yard Kleven and Oceanica both invest
       Units, drilling rigs and accommodation vessels,  contracts with Shell Brasil and the major Mero2  heavily in sustainable solutions. Among other
       to support Brazil’s energy infrastructure. Bras-  project on behalf of Petrobras, with its integrated  things, equipment will be reused in the project.
       FELS, Keppel O&M’s yard in Angra dos Reis,  market offering of project management, techni-  For example, the offshore cranes are used and
       Brazil is currently undertaking integration and  cal expertise, and towing and mooring solutions.  will be rebuilt to the current specification and to
       fabrication work for two other FPSOs that will   About Maersk Supply Service: Maersk Supply  the right delivery time.
       operate in the Sepia field and the Buzios field.  Service is a leading provider of marine services   “There are many advantages to rebuilding
       Keppel O&M, August 15 2022          and project solutions for offshore energy sectors.  existing vessels, using recycled material, and
                                           With a large fleet of anchor handling and subsea  reusing equipment for the conversions. This will
       Maersk Supply Service               support vessels, the company specialises in tow-  save resources and reduce both costs, emissions,
                                                                                and the amount of waste, without compromising
                                           ing, mooring, and installing floating units.
       wins another integrated             Maersk Supply Service, August 11 2022  quality,” says Barstad.
                                                                                  The retrofit is due to be completed towards the
       solutions project in Brazil         Green Yard Kleven wins               end of the year, and work will start immediately.
                                                                                  “This was good news for us. The assignment
       Maersk Supply Service has been awarded a   new contract for retrofit of   increases our order reserve, although we still
       contract on behalf of Shell Brasil for the moor-                         have the capacity to take on more projects. We
       ing line remediation of the FPSO Fluminense,   two Brazilian PSVs        are grateful for the trust and the assignment and
       located off the coast of Rio de Janeiro.                                 we look forward to the collaboration with all
         The scope of the project includes remedia-  The Brazilian shipowner Oceanica has signed a  partners involved,” concludes Fedog.
       tion work on two of the Fluminense’s mooring  contract for retrofit of two ships with Green Yard   Green Yard Kleven, August 9 2022

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 33   17•August•2022
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