Page 5 - NorthAmOil Week 14 2021
P. 5

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                                                                       Pioneer has said
                                                                       DoublePoint’s assets
                                                                       will complement its
                                                                       own operations.

                         senior M&A analyst, Andrew Dittmar, said in a   Dittmar was not the only one to highlight
                         commentary. “Combined with Pioneer’s $7.6bn  how DoublePoint’s assets fit with Pioneer’s
                         purchase of Parsley Energy in October 2020, the  operations. Cowen & Co. analysts said Dou-
                         $6.4bn deal for DoublePoint means Pioneer has  blePoint “undoubtedly fits like a glove within
                         spent $14bn adding Permian assets in about six  [Pioneer’s] Midland Basin acreage”, while Mor-
                         months and been the most active acquirer in the  gan Stanley said the acreage overlap of the two
                         upstream space since the COVID-19 downturn.  companies provides industrial logic for the
                         In the process, Pioneer has leapt from holding  transaction.
                         an already industry-leading position in the   Pioneer has also sought to emphasise the
                         Midland Basin to controlling an impressively  synergies it stands to benefit from once the deal
                         high portion of the core of the play.”  closes. It said the acquisition was expected to
                                                              result in annual cost savings of around $175mn
                         Surprise                             through operational efficiencies and reductions
                         Dittmar went on to add that it was “somewhat  in general and administrative (G&A) and inter-
                         suprising” to see Pioneer announce another  est expenses. It said the expected present value
                         major acquisition so soon after the Parsley deal.  of these cost savings totals roughly $1bn over a
                         This was echoed other analysts, including those  10-year period.
                         from KeyBanc, and also RBC Capital Markets,
                         which said the rationale for the deal seemed to be  What next?
                         part opportunistic and part defensive.  The latest wave of consolidation is another step  Deals in recent
                           “The company may have felt the assets are  in the shale industry’s evolution. While shale was
                         simply too close a fit with their existing position  characterised by the presence of numerous small   months, including
                         to pass up,” Dittmar wrote. “While the quality  drillers in its early days, in recent years the prime   those involving
                         of the leasehold is high and the acreage is an  acreage has increasingly become concentrated
                         extremely good fit, Pioneer looks to have paid  in the hands of the leading independents – plus   Pioneer, suggest
                         a hefty premium for the undeveloped land rel-  super-majors Chevron and ExxonMobil.
                         ative to the string of public company mergers   Deals in recent months, including those   that further
                         in late 2020, including its own combination  involving Pioneer, suggest that further consol-
                         with Parsley, with the price per acre on this deal  idation can still occur. In addition, the trend   consolidation can
                         reminiscent of Permian deals in the bull land  potentially bodes well if the dominant shale   still occur.
                         market from 2016-18.” He added, however, that  players continue to moderate production
                         the fact that Pioneer would primarily be hand-  growth across the acreage of those companies
                         ing over equity “that has doubled in value since  they take over – especially those bucking the
                         announcing the Parsley deal in October 2020”  trend of exercising restraint.
                         would help to offset the high headline price   “There have been concerns about the rate
                         involved.                            that private companies are increasing drilling
                           Deals paid mostly or entirely in stock have  and its potential to lead to an oversupplied mar-
                         been a popular option for shale players over the  ket,” commented Dittmar. “Roll-ups of these
                         past year as buyers have sought to expand their  high-growth private companies by public E&Ps
                         footprints and add scale without taking on sig-  focused on fiscal discipline is certainly one way
                         nificant new debt.                   to address that concern.”™

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